Turkish intelligence captured one of the most wanted ISIS leaders in Syria


The alleged leader of the Islamic State in Turkey, Kasim Guler
The alleged leader of the Islamic State in Turkey, Kasim Guler

Turkish intelligence services (MIT) have captured Kasim Guler, alias Ebu Osama el Türki, the suspected leader of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group in Turkey in Syria., and that he was a fugitive, the semi-official news agency reported on Tuesday. Anatolia.

After being captured by MIT agents, the suspect was transferred to Turkeythe source added, without specifying when these events occurred. Guler was in the red category of the list of terrorists wanted by Ankara, according to Turkish security sources.

He added that there was information which he planned to enter Turkey illegally with weapons and explosives to carry out relevant action, and that he was carrying documents containing “confidential” information.

Kasim Guler, alias Ebu Osama el Türki
Kasim Guler, alias Ebu Osama el Türki

Guler was active in combat zones in Afghanistan and Pakistan between 2008 and 2010, before joining the ranks of the Islamic State in 2014. In these jihadist militias, he succeeded in occupying a high-ranking position.

Among others, Guler was responsible for the financial affairs of the terrorist group in Russia, Europe and Turkey, according to Anadolu.

The Turkish authorities announced in September 2020 the arrest of the suspected leader of the Islamic State, identified as Mahmut Ozden. He was arrested during an operation in the province of Adana (south), as detailed by the Minister of the Interior, Suleyman Soylu.

ISIS, which Turkey declared a terrorist group in 2013, perpetrated several attacks on Turkish soil in recent years in which at least 300 people have died and hundreds more have been injured.

(With information from EFE and Europa Press)


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