Turkish police suspect Jamal Khashoggi's body to have been burned in an oven – 14/02/2019


Turkish police suspects that the body Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, murdered on 2 October at his country's consulate in Istanbul, he was burned in an oven located in the Garden of the Legation, according to a police report quoted Thursday by the Turkish Agency Anadolu.

He had been discovered an underground oven, with the ability to reach thousand degrees of temperature, enough for Remove all traces of DNAas it is clear from this paper that Anadolu reports.

A demonstration this Thursday in Istanbul, Turkey (REUTERS).

A demonstration this Thursday in Istanbul, Turkey (REUTERS).

The investigations revealed that Khashoggi's body was dismembered in the consulate premises, apparently by an order of Saudi agents, but until now the remains of the dissident journalist did not appear.

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It was speculated on the option that the remains were washed away or dissolved in acid, but the discovery of the oven forced consider the possibility that it is burned.

The journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the opening of the eleventh edition of an Arab media forum in Dubai, UAE, May 8, 2012 (EFE).

The journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the opening of the eleventh edition of an Arab media forum in Dubai, UAE, May 8, 2012 (EFE).

The police report points out that after the killing, the execution team ordered a famous restaurant 32 servings of raw meat, typical order if a meal is prepared in this type of traditional ovens, called "tandir".

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"Whether we like it or not, it raises some questions. Was baking the meat in the oven previously part of the plan? These questions will be clarified. The investigations have not worked yet, "the report summarizes.

The last image of Khashoggi, entering the consulate on October 2, 2018 (AP).

The last image of Khashoggi, entering the consulate on October 2, 2018 (AP).

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The text also indicates that the consulate's dependencies they have been cleaned with chemicals to eliminate the possible tests.

He also mentions some comments by the Legation Warden about Khashoggi's girlfriend, Hatice Cengiz, who was waiting for her fiancé at the door of the building and badesses if He had also planned to kill her in the same way.

EFE Agency.



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