Turkson: We are called to live the reality of the Redemption of Christ


Intervention of Cardinal Turkson during the presentation of the Message of the Holy Father Francisco for Lent 2019.

Mireia Bonilla – Vatican City

"The man and the woman represent the creation of which they are a part before God, and their actions thus radically and radically affect the destiny of creation." Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, affirmed this morning during the presentation of the message of the Holy Father for Lent 2019, elaborated in the press room of the Holy See.

Relationship between the human being and the creation

Speaking of the relationship between the human being and creation, Turkson explained that human beings "are considered and understood in their own role, as" high priest "of creation" and that in the distinctive character of their creation, the likeness of God and his being in his spirit "constitute an interconnected and interdependent part of the world so created". In addition, in the social doctrine of the Church, the clbadic expression of "genuine and integral development" is rooted in an anthropological relationship, as well as in an interconnectedness with all things, and therefore, "the person human is not the self-referential center of creation. "

The philosophy of the Lenten message 2019

The prefect of the Department of the Integral Human Development Department also indicated that the base of the Message of Lent this year is that "the redemption of humanity and its liberation from evil and sin express the redemption of all the creation of the curse and all the evils that it undergoes because of the sin of it." 39; humanity. " And the redemption and liberation of the humanity of sin are conceived in this year's Lenten message in terms of "filial regeneration": the rebirth of humanity (Adam) as sons / daughters of God.

A message that this year "invites us to celebrate Easter as a celebration of the call of the man to a new generation" – said Card. Turkson – and whose realization, although an experience projected into the future ", is also rooted in the present: in the human condition which is the superposition.That is to say, the superposition of ages and epochs between this who has already been and what will be, between Adam and Christ, the fall and the redemption ".

Faced with sin, the Redemption offers another base of operation and work

In his speech, the cardinal stated that "we continue to be absorbed by the different manifestations of the power of sin and its consequences in our lives"; lives that "tend to sin" stressed. Given this, he argues that "the redemption of Christ" offers us both "another base of operation and work", which is the "base" from which we are called from, to live and to act. "To live the reality of the redemption of Christ who made us" children of God "by opening the doors of our relationship with Christ and with his Spirit".

To mature in us the image of Christ Himself

Finally, the map. Turkson said that the maturation and growth of the image of Christ in us "guide us to regeneration in the glory of the children of God, and with us also the rest of Creation", baduring "that is the scenario of Our Lenten Commitment this year: constantly experiencing human sin (which is a relationship of betrayal), we have at the same time the possibility of the grace of the redemption of Christ and the gift of his Spirit to shape gradually our lives and enter the glory of being sons and daughters of God. "


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