Twenty wounded in the explosion of leaves at the Clinic of Peru | news


About 20 wounded left an explosion that was recorded Tuesday in the clinic of Ricardo Palma in the Peruvian capital of Lima.

The General of Police The National of Peru, Gastón Rodríguez detailed that two detonations were recorded, in the facilities of the health center, which left two persons seriously injured.

Rodríguez pointed out that the moments reject that it is about attacks "we must investigate if it is any of them. a case of extortion or intimidation.We must exhaust all the working hypotheses we have. "

# Peru Two explosions in a private clinic in Lima, in the parking lot and in a laboratory. The blast officials (a man and a woman) are among the 20 slightly wounded – Jaime Herrera (@JaimeteleSUR) July 25, 2018

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In this regard, he dismissed the idea of ​​an attack because the amount of explosive was minimal "compared to an alleged attack". [19659002] The official explained that the explosion was caused by a man who left two bags with explosives, which were placed in the parking lot and in the parking lot.

Among the seriously injured is presumed to be the author of the act, who is detained in the same clinic.

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The man was wearing a bulletproof vest. The authorities badume that it is the aggressor who was injured because "the explosion surprised him and received the whole wave of shock".

The other person seriously injured was a woman who, according to the police, is an accomplice of the attacker.

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