Twin Towers: The moving story of the flight attendant on one of the planes that crashed


Almost 20 years of the worst tragedy America has seen in recent years, the attack on the Twin Towers continues to give material to be cut. In the last hours he met the heartwarming conversation stewardess Betty Ong had with Nydia González, the COO of American Airlines (AA), that morning of September 11, 2001, a few minutes before the plane crashed.

In communication, she is heard to warn that “The cabin is not responding. Someone was stabbed in business class and I think he was gassed because we can’t breathe. I do not know. It seems to me that they kidnap us “, at the beginning of his communication, at 8:20 am.

Ong was one of the flight attendants on flight AA11, which left Boston and was headed for Los Angeles. It was the first of two that 20 years ago would end up hitting the World Trade Center in New York City.

“The cockpit is not responding. Someone was stabbed in business class and I think they gassed because we can’t breathe.” Betty ong.

Ong’s concern was that he couldn’t communicate with the cabin and didn’t understand what was going on in economy class. “I think the men are up there (in the cabin). They may have infiltrated. No one can call the booth. We can’t even enter “, he told Nydia González, chief operating officer of American Airlines.

The conversation was cut off for good. “What’s going on, Betty? Betty, talk to me. Betty are you there? Betty? “, González asked desperately because he already knew something strange was going on that morning.

Betty Ong was 45 on the day of the attack. She was from San Francisco, of Asian descent. I had been working in the industry for over 10 years and that day, With his ground call, he was the first person to alert authorities to the hijackings.

“Betty, talk to me. Betty, are you there? Betty?”, Nydia Gonzalez, COO of American Airlines.

“You can’t breathe in the cabin, someone sprayed with gasoline or something,” he hears himself say. At another point in the conversation he says, “Someone is calling a doctor and we can’t find a doctor.

Four minutes after this conversation, the aircraft turned 100 degrees south. This confirmed the suspicion that she had been kidnapped and was on her way to New York. A little later it exploded against the World Trade Centerr of this city, in connection with the attack which left about three thousand dead.


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