Twins fight "pineapples" in their mother's womb | Chronic


A 28-year-old Chinese identified as Tao, video recording of the fun moment when her two little girls seem to fight for space in their mother's womb. Everything could be recorded thanks to the ultrasound

The images, at first, were a social network of short Chinese videos. Soon, the girls became viral and appeared in the media around the world.

The man counted: "I did not expect my daughters to be Internet stars before they were born." He also told local media that it was not the only time he saw his daughters doing something amazing.

In other routine checks that his wife had to undergo, like many other new mothers, she could see how the girls were kissing in one of the tomographies.

Babies have been named Cherry and Strawberry by social network users. They belong to a small number of monochorionic monochorionic twins, also called Mo-Mo twins, who represent one of the most risky and strangest pregnancies.

There is only a 50% chance that babies of this type survive after 26 weeks and occur in about 1 in 35,000 cases.

The greatest risk of this pregnancy is that umbilical cords will entangle and knot, which will cause poor blood circulation in one of the two babies. Fortunately, these pups were born in good health on April 8th at 32 weeks by caesarean section.


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