Twitter's teased pee on Carrió


In the midst of Venezuela's health, economic and humanitarian crisis, Elisa Carrió, national deputy and leader of the CC ARI, published on her Twitter site a series of images that would explain the lack of supplies in Venezuelan hospitals. But quickly, the users of this social network pointed out to him an error on one of the photos and told him that this corresponded to an event occurred in Honduras in 2012.

The photo in question shows newborns placed in plastic baskets and cardboard boxes, along with pillows and sheets. This is a situation that has occurred at the Regional Hospital of Western Honduras and it has been reported that in this health center, the incubators were inadequate.

The post of legislator occupied "Venezuela today, from which we are saved" and was accompanied by three other images showing people lying on the floor, receiving serum and medical care, taken at the same time. inside the hospital Pérez Carreño (Caracas) and an infirmary in this country.

After noticing the error, the national deputy of the Unidad Ciudadana Horacio Pietragalla reported the error to Carrió and questioned the sources who provided him with this information.

Alicia Castro, former former ambbadador and ambbadador to Venezuela under Cristina Kirchner's government, badured that the legislator "prefers to divert us from the embarrbadment of" coima or prison "of her accused in which she was illegally involved" and condemned the fact that she "does not move streets, hospitals or prisons with political prisoners".

We see that @ elisacarrio I prefer to distract ourselves from the embarrbadment of "coima or prison" of his accused Stornelli in which he was illegally involved. 2-Do not cross the streets, hospitals or prisons cicos politicos.3 -Not hesitate to illustrate your Twitt about Venezuela with photos Honduras 2012.

– Alicia Castro (@AliciaCastroAR) February 13, 2019



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