Two 18-year-old twin sisters were executed during a live stream on Instagram


Two twin sisters barely 18 years old they were executed of several headshots at close range and the dark episode aired live on Instagram, causing a huge social stir. The cooling event occurred in the Microregion of Pacajus, In the state of Ceará, in the north of Brazil, for which it already exists an inmate.

The shooting of the bloody murder was broadcast live on the social network Instagram, and since then the video images have been seen thousands of times on the Internet, where it is still possible to find it. It is believed that the two girls, called Amalia Alves Yes Amanda alves, They were murdered for a question relating to Drug traffic. Apparently the two sisters had compromising information about the criminal gang who ended up committing suicide.

The sisters’ double crime is said to be linked to drug trafficking.

The corpses were found a few hours later at the side of a road behind a housing complex, where it is suspected that the drug traffickers have their “execution court”.

The two young women they were mothers: Amanda had a three-year-old daughter, while her sister had a baby of only six months, according to the “Daily Mail”.

Amanda was 18 and had a 3-year-old daughter, who will no longer have her mother.

In the last hours, for the double homicide, a 17 year old teenager, identified as Matthieu Abreu, who is being questioned by the police. It should be noted that the young accused have several criminal records: we told them at least seven previous arrests on charges including illegal possession of a weapon, theft and intentional bodily harm, according to the Brazilian newspaper “Diario do Noreste”.

A 17-year-old boy, Mateus Abreu, was arrested in the last hours.

As can be seen in the pictures, the girls were forced to pull their hair back into a bun before the murderer (supposedly Abreu) ​​brought the gun to the back of their heads. He then fired the fatal bullets at close range.

Once they were lying on the ground, the defendant approached them and He finished them off with several more hits.

The girls were forced to tie their hair up before being shot (Video: Screenshot).

In front of the sound of gunshots, the inhabitants of the neighborhood frantically called the police present on the scene. Later the lifeless bodies of the women were found where they had been brutally murdered.

Although Brazilian authorities have yet to reveal the precise motive for the street executions, Brasilia Diary reported that it was because the sisters they knew “too much” about certain incidents involving local drug dealers. However, the case is still under investigation.

Amália had a 6 month old baby.


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