Two Argentine mountaineers die in Peru, one of them, Santa Fe


Two Argentine mountaineers died climbing the Caraz snow, 6,025 meters high in the Andes of Peru. They fell during the ascent of an ice wall on Sunday and their bodies have already been found. It is Ian Schwer, a mountaineer and renowned guide of Bariloche, and Juan Pablo Cano, Santa Fe and mountain guide. The accident occurred in the Cordillera Blanca, in the region of Ancash, northern Peru. The death of mountaineers is common in this region, where are some of the most difficult mountains of South America.

"We managed to save the bodies of the two dead Argentine mountaineers while trying to climb the Caraz Glacier," said Major Gilmer Torres, of the Alta Montaña police in Huaraz. "The foreigners died trying to climb an ice wall of the snowy mountain, dropped one of their anchors and fell to the ground," Torres added. The other badumption is that the athletes were hit by a block of ice that fell off the mountain they were trying to climb. The bodies were saved Sunday and taken to the morgue of the town of Huaraz, chief of the region, 400 km north of Lima.

The president of Huaraz High Mountain Guides House, Rafael Figueroa, said that Argentine mountaineers were reported missing on Friday, the day they had to return from their expedition, but they did not do so. "It is a very technical mountain, that is to say, it takes a lot of preparation to be able to climb it, not only because of the height but also because of the climatic conditions," explained Figueroa. With this double death, 12 mountaineers have been killed on the glaciers of the Ancash region over the past two years.

Juan Pablo Cano was Santa Fe, mountaineer and mountain guide. This young man has shown his pbadion for the sport from an early age. His first steps were at Azopardo 's climbing school. Four years ago and still pursuing his pbadion, he moved to Mendoza to study the mountain guide specialty. Juan Pablo traveled to Peru with famous Barilochese climber Ian Schwer. The challenge was to climb the southeast face of Caraz Hill, a mbadive called "snowy" because there is snow all year.

Concussion in Bariloche

Ian Schwer, known for his career in the field of mountaineering, died of an accident while he was doing an activity in the north of Peru.

As soon as the news was known, the social networks immediately reflected the pain and surprise of Scher's death, the young man having obtained a name through his daily work in the Andean zone of Bariloche. Aged 30, he graduated from the National University of Comahue as a physical education teacher, an active member of the Andean club and the Bariloche club's rescue committee, and in charge of Refugio Frey with the University of Comahue. one of his friends.

"Today, we lost an important member of the club family, too young, he was only 30 years old and did what he liked, climbing, active member of the Auxiliary Commission, the mountain was his place, "said the club Andean Bariloche. "Thanks for the precious time shared, for your transparent and unconditional kindness, you have left this world experience in your mountains, you are now the guardian of mountaineers of the world", they have turned on Facebook after his death.

The father of young Barilochien has posted an emotional message on Facebook. "Until forever, dear son, you have made of your life an enormous cult of friendship and camaraderie, we all honor your example, we will miss you forever, new heights that you follow in the heart." they're home to you, "writes Willy Schwer, next to a photo of his son.

Schwer and Juan Pablo Cano climbed the walls of the Caraz snow, located in Huaylas province, in the Sierra de Ncash. The two mountaineers were found dead in the snow at 6,025 meters altitude in Parón Creek, in the jurisdiction of Huaylas Province. Repatriation procedures should begin in the coming hours. In the last few hours, it has been confirmed that a relative of Juan Pablo Cano had gone to Peru to perform all the procedures and repatriate the young man's body.


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