Two Argentine mountaineers died while climbing in the snow of Peru's Caraz


Ian Schwer and Juan Pablo Cano lost their lives climbing the ice wall of this snowy mountain in Cordillera Blanca, in the northern region of Ancash.

"We managed to save the bodies of the two dead Argentine mountaineers while trying to climb the snowy Caraz," Major Gilmer Torres, a member of the Alta Montaña police in Huaraz told AFP.

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With the kind permission of El Comercio.

With the kind permission of El Comercio.

"The foreigners died while trying to climb a snowy ice wall, dropped one of their anchors and fell to the ground"Torres added.

The bodies were saved Sunday and taken to the morgue of the town of Huaraz, chief of the region, 400 km north of Lima.

The president of Huaraz High Mountain Guides House, Rafael Figueroa, said that Argentine mountaineers were reported missing on Friday, the day they had to return from their expedition, but they did not do so.

"It is a very technical mountain, that is to say, it takes a lot of preparation to be able to climb it, not only because of the height but also because of the climatic conditions," explained Figueroa.

With this double death, 12 mountaineers have died on the Ancash Glaciers over the last two years.

In January, an avalanche of snow buried three Spaniards and a Peruvian guide in the snowy Mateo (5,150 m) of the Cordillera Blanca.

The Auxilio Commission of the Andean Club of Bariloche announced that it was working with the Argentine government and Chancery to bring Bariloche the remains of the young and help the family to cope with the expenses generated by this situation.


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