Two Argentine scientists who investigated ivermectin defend its use against coronavirus


The scientific community maintains the controversy over the therapeutic use of Ivermectina in the prevention and treatment of coronavirus. Although the National Administration of Food, Drugs and Medical Technologies (ANMAT) has not yet approved it and different infectologists have opposed its use, its use is growing in different provinces of the country. Two Argentinian researchers-who have studied the use of this drug in cases of Covid-19- defend the effectiveness of treatment and they recommend it in mild, moderate, and severe cases.

Ivermectin an agent pesticide broad spectrum in human and veterinary medicine. In in vitro tests it has been shown to be inhibitory potential SARS-CoV-2 virus. It became important when some clinical studies showed a significant reduction in the risk of contagion and the mortality of the positives.

One of the studies conducted by Argentinian doctors Héctor Carvallo and Roberto Hirsch, concluded that the drug is an effective complementary method for personal protective equipment in the prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers and their contacts. Therefore, they recommend implement it in vulnerable population groups: geriatric and psychiatric institutes, orphanages and prisons, among others.

“It’s not an experimental treatment. Even in the United States, there is a Senate presentation asking for authorization of ivermectin, ”he told Hirsch.

Are already more than 10,000 patients treated, monitored and reviewed with this drug. A meta-analysis that recorded 25 trials in different countries around the world – in total, it included 2,045 participants on prophylaxis and 1,835 Covid-positive – showed a decrease in death rate what turn between 65% (down and late) and 92% (during previous use of the drug), depending on the time and stage of the disease in the patients treated. In addition, a reduction in Covid-19 infection between 82% and 92% when used as a preventive measure in health workers and their close collaborators.

What is the difference in percentages? “The variable depends on when they were used and the severity of the case. The less severe the disease, the better the outcome and the faster, the greater the success. It is a dogma in medicine ”, explain the specialists before the consultation of Bugle.

Carvallo adds that three prophylaxis trials have been conducted in Argentina: ivercard at Eunerkian hospital, iverprev at Muñiz hospital and ivercor at Corrientes. “An Argentinian study of international importance evaluated the response as a treatment for the prevention of contagion in 162 health workers and their close contacts, who received the drug for a period of 24 weeks. Therefore, to date none of the participants were infected“, says Hirsch

While one group reflects on the benefits of ivermectin, others are showing more careful. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) they still do not advise or advise this coronavirus drug. As the WHO examines all available evidence; the FDA has backed down and is awaiting further results.

On the other hand, the ANMAT has not yet approved the administration of ivermectin because it considers that scientific evidence is not yet clear and the studies that have been carried out so far they don’t have enough patients to demonstrate its clinical efficacy.

“ANMAT is awaiting declarations from countries with strong epidemiological surveillance concerning the use of this drug. I don’t think he admits it yet because it’s a cheap drug and use has gone viral, when in truth it must be prescribed and controlled dosage. It is important to give it as early as possible, in the first days of the illness, so that the neutralizing antibodies work and prevent the virus from depositing in the body. We are working to improve people’s health, ”explains infectious disease specialist Hirsch.

Some provinces, such as Misiones, Salta, Corrientes and Tucumán, already use it as an official prophylaxis policy among health workers and as a treatment for infected patients; others are analyzing the situation and are interested in drugs. “The incidence of infections has decreased in the districts that have started to use it,” agree the two specialists.

La Pampa was one of the last to join. “The same is happening in Santa Fe, where some sections are implementing it, although there is still no approval,” Carvallo illustrates. But the city and province of Buenos Aires, districts with high infection counts, have yet to report it.

The side effects reported by the usual use of ivermectin are generally mild, transient and disappear when treatment is stopped: dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain or bloating, diarrhea, constipation, weakness , drowsiness, uncontrollable tremors of part of the body and chest discomfort.

It is not a toxic drug and no side effects were demonstrated in patients who received double or triple doses. There are several physiopathogenic studies. To say that it is toxic is to think that an aspirin is also toxic because it can cause gastritis, ”explains Hirsch to refute questions raised by the Argentine Society of Infectious Diseases regarding dosage.

“They start from a mathematical and erroneous concept. In Africa, up to 100 times the maximum dose has been administered and no contraindications have been observed. In vitro studies are done in micrograms and admission in people is in milligrams, ”Carvallo concludes.



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