Two boys were attacked by a shark on the beaches of New York – 19/07/2018


Like all 12 year old boys, Lola Pollina was happy at sea. He had been facing the waves for a while when he saw something odd in the water. It looked like a flowing fin, but it's impossible for a shark to reach the beaches of New York … or not? Suddenly, he felt a strange pain in his leg and that he thought impossible, now it was a reality that was doing a lot of harm.

He ran in search of his mother and seeing the blood on her daughter's leg, Barbara Pollina searched for the rescuer without losing a second. For the first time in 70 years, a shark attacked a vacationer in the cold waters of Fire Island Bay, the last time it happened in 1948. They immediately put a bandage on the island. child and transferred to Good Samaritan Hospital where she recovered without problems

  A 12-year-old girl was attacked by a shark in New York

attacked by a shark In New York

"I could have lost my leg but luckily I'm fine," Lola told Today. Meanwhile, her mother says that she never imagined that her daughter could have been attacked by a shark: "When I saw her come out of the water, I thought I'd scraped her and hurt her, until I saw the injuries that she had suffered. "

  Here's how Lola Pollina's leg was after the attack. (Philip Pollina via AP)

This is how Lola Pollina's leg was after the attack. (Philip Pollina via AP)

At the hospital, Lola and her mother met another boy, 13 years old (whose name was not released), who incredibly suffered a shark attack. [19659009] The shark tooth was found in the leg of one of the victims ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

The shark tooth was found in the leg of one of the victims.

In the same area, eight kilometers away, the boy experienced a similar situation, the difference being that in his case paramedics found a tooth stuck in his leg, which confirmed that it was an attack by a shark.

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