Two Chinese accused of triple crime have fallen in Dubai


The couple of Chinese citizens accused of mbadacring three compatriots in a supermarket in Junin was arrested last night by Interpol in Dubai on board a flight that took them to China.

Prosecutor Vanina Lisazo and Judge Marisa Muñoz Saggese have requested the arrest of Hai Zhou (24 years old) and Rong Li (32 years old) after determining that after the triple crime they went to the hospital. 39, Ezeiza Airport. As stated in the security cameras, they boarded an Emirates Airlines flight that arrived last night at 9:30 am. The trip, which was to last about 14 hours, included three stopovers, one in Rio de Janeiro. Janeiro, one in Dubai and the third in Beijing, while the final destination was Fuzhou, capital of Fujian.


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