Two dead and a dozen wounded following an accident on the "longest toboggan in the world"


Two people died and 12 were injured in a horrific accident in an amusement park with an attraction called "the longest slide in the world".

The accident, which is already under investigation, occurred at the Children's Attractions Park in Chengdu Yard, Sichuan Province, in China. Southwest China.

The tragedy occurred when the 14 tourists, including six children, sat on their own rubber slides, accelerated along the 235-meter slide, and unexpectedly collided and fell, the news website reported. local XinhuaNet.

According to an official statement from the local district office, eight adults and six children fell from the long stainless steel chute around 5 pm on May 1 during the Labor Day holiday.

Apparently, the collision between the participants occurred because they moved at different speeds.

The wounded were taken to hospital and the death of two adults was confirmed, while another 12 tourists are still being treated for their injuries.

The district office reported arresting staff members during an investigation, while the park was temporarily closed.


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