Two dead, missing and collapses: the passage of Hurricane Nora in Mexico


Enrique Alfaro listed the damage caused by Hurricane Nora in Jalisco (Photo; Twitter / @EnriqueAlfaroR)
Enrique Alfaro listed the damage caused by Hurricane Nora in Jalisco (Photo; Twitter / @EnriqueAlfaroR)

On the morning of this Monday, August 30, it was confirmed that the Hurricane Nora degraded into a low pressure system when he reached the shores of Sinaloa; However, the meteor was present in six different states in the Mexican Pacific where Jalisco suffered the worst damage.

Laura Velasquez, national head of the National Coordination of Civil Protection, explained that the Plan DN-II-E, implemented by the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), will remain in effect until priority issues established due to heavy rains and meteor winds are resolved.

“The rocks and trees are being removed, temporary shelters have been set up. As for the assignments, I inform that there is a deceased person in Jalisco. The partial collapse of a hotel has been reported, finding a deceased minor, there is one missing, one injured, 163 people rescued, six temporary shelters have been set up with around 562 people, ”Velázquez Alzúa said.

Hurricane Nora was present in six Mexican Pacific states (Photo: Reuters)
Hurricane Nora was present in six Mexican Pacific states (Photo: Reuters)

He added that the electricity service was affected up to 85% in Michoacán, Jalisco, Colima and Nayarit, so that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) was given the task of restoring the necessary electricity supply to homes.

There is a record of 44 affected municipalities and 30 overflowing rivers in Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán and Sonora. Likewise, there have been 22 cave-ins, 14 damaged bridges and many fallen trees that are being removed.

From the page of Sedena, the Plan DN-III-E It is “the military operational instrument which fixes the general orientations of the The Mexican army and the air force, to carry out relief activities for the affected population for natural or man-made disasters, optimize the use of human and material resources for their timely, effective and efficient attention; also supporting the preservation of their property and their environment ”.

A second death has been confirmed for Nora in Jalisco (Photo: Twitter @EnriqueAlfaroR)
A second death has been confirmed for Nora in Jalisco (Photo: Twitter @EnriqueAlfaroR)

By his account, Manuel Bartlett, director of the CFE, he reported that electricity supply has been restored to 93% of the 372,028 users affected by the presence of heavy rains and winds in the affected communities Nora.

Alfredo Ramirez Bedolla, the governor-elect of Michoacán por Morena has launched a collection center so that citizens can donate basic necessities such as bedspreads, mattresses, bedding, sanitary napkins, diapers, toiletries. non-perishable groceries, cereals, canned goods and cleaning supplies.

Finally, Enrique Alfaro, governor of Jalisco for the Citizen Movement, presented the story of the effects that have occurred in his entity. In this regard, he explained that the municipalities most affected were those of Puerto Vallarta and Cihuatlán.

On the night of Sunday 29, the politician confirmed on social networks the sensitive death of a child and a missing woman. He also listed other damage that requires urgent help. On top of that, state civil protection confirmed the death of another injured, bringing the toll to two.

Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla has opened a collection center for those affected (Photo: Twitter / @AlfredoEsMorena)
Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla has opened a collection center for those affected (Photo: Twitter / @AlfredoEsMorena)

In Boca de Tomatlán, the Tomatlán river overflowed and in Cihuatlán the damage count continues in the houses affected by the overflow of the El Pedregal river in the municipalities of San Patricio Melaque and Villa Obregón.

In addition to the minor and the missing woman, the Colegio de México (ColMex) graduate said that a slope of land on the national road 428 was dragging three men, one of them was rescued between the civil protection of Jalisco and Sedena, while on federal road 200 there were more than 11 landslides, trees and poles felled.

To deal with the emergency, Alfaro Ramírez said that there are 100 elements of the state civil protection and the security secretary at different points of the damage to protect the inhabitants of the areas. In addition to this, the Integral Family Development System (DIF) has installed 12 shelters and will provide food and basic necessities.


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