Two divers released a whale shark which …


A brave team of divers played in the incredible rescue of a whale shark trapped in a piece of rope.

In December 2019, divers from Macana Maldives travel agency Simone Musumeci and Antonio Di Franca were taking a group of tourists on a guided dive to Fuvahmulah Island in the Maldives when they saw something extraordinary: a huge whale shark sailed through the water around your boat with a thick rope tied to the body, between the head and the pectoral fins.

The expedition guide was the one who warned that a whale shark was in the dip area when the group returned to the ship. At this point, the majestic whale shark swam to Simone with a huge rope around its neck.

Simone and Antonio jumped into the water and started tearing the rope to free the animal. The process lasted a total of 10 minutes and, once free, it was possible to verify, by the deep white mark, that the shark had been carrying this ballast for a long time.

“When the rope was finally released, the animal stopped for a moment, as if realizing it was free, then slowly disappeared into the depths of the sea,” Simone told Caters .


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