Two FBI agents killed after shooting in Florida


A Tuesday morning shoot in Florida left two FBI agents were killed and three injured. The deaths were confirmed by the Miami herald.

According to a source of the security forces, the incident started after the appearance of the agents for a complaint of trafficking of child pornography.

It is not yet clear why the shooting took place. After the exchange of bullets, an army of force members came to the scene to deal with the gunman, who he hesitated to surrender. According to The Miami Herald, after spending several hours locked up, the suspect would have committed suicide.

Filming took place at a housing complex called Water Terrace, located in the town of Sunrise, west of Fort Lauderdale.

Around 6 a.m. US Eastern Time (8 a.m. in Argentina), FBI agents and local police arrived at the home of the man suspected of trafficking child pornography with the intention of searching the house.

According to Julius McLymont, a local resident interviewed by AP, soon after four shots were heard.

CBS Miami reporter Brooke Shafer posted a video of where the events took place on her Twitter account. All traffic in the area had been stopped pending crime scene processing is complete. Local residents were urged to stay in their homes until the police work was completed.

Traffic cut in the Sunrise area where filming took place.  Photo: AFP

Traffic cut in the Sunrise area where the filming took place. Photo: AFP

“Boom, boom, boom, boom” were his words to describe the noises he heard, which at first he thought were coming from a car exhaust. He left his house and was able to see how they treated an injured person on the ground. Also according to its story, a SWAT team and several ambulances appeared soon after.

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