Two girls found a man’s body, recorded how they stole a gold necklace, and uploaded the video to social media | the Chronicle


Last Monday, two teenagers from the state of Texas , United States They found the body of a man in a drainage ditch. The 17 and 16-year-old girls alerted the authorities who removed the body. A few hours later, the police learned that teenage girls stole the deceased’s necklace Yes posted a crime video on Snapchat .

The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office identified the deceased as Marcus Adams , 25, and classified his death as a suicide . The teenagers told police that they were in the body on their way to a local gas station, and they called a friend of the two who in turn called 911. However, the next day, the police did received the incriminating video.

In the austere pictures you can see Bethany Martin , the older of the two, take the medallion Adams necklace while the second involved I filmed it . According to the statement viewed by local media, Martin confessed to police that he stole the pendant because his friend commented that it looked cute . The youngest, whose identity is not disclosed, put the stolen medallion on her own gold necklace because ” matched her fashion style ”.

By the time the video reached police, it had already circulated virally on Snapchat and replicated in different social networks. Martin and his friend were stopped the same Tuesday, under the responsibility of theft of a corpse . The sheriff’s office has confirmed that since then Martin was released from prison when his Security deposit of $ 2000 .

Bethany Martin, accused of theft from a corpse, was released days after the incriminating video went viral.

I’m shocked! I am still shocked. that bothers me Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar said, according to local media KENS5. Salazar would have said that adolescents they laughed while filming the video , which the 16-year-old posted on her personal Snapchat account.

Marcus Adam’s family spoke out: “He couldn’t defend himself”

Marcus Adams’ relatives follow shocked and hurt for his death, but they also pledged to confirm that the young man be reminded in a positive way . It is difficult, they told KENS5, because of what happened after his death. Stealing from the living is bad enough. But steal the dead? He is helpless. He is no longer here. Couldn’t defend “he claimed Marcus Adams father , father of the deceased.

Marcus Adams, 25.

With a smile like no other, the family members say Adams was well loved: ” I just had those kind of friends, cousins, relatives who they liked him for his attitude “said her mother, Aisha Adams . The oldest of six siblings, Aisha described her as a compassionate soul: ” He would do anything. Everyone loves it automatically. Always with a smile on my face “.

Social media users started to question the opinion of the police , by designating the observable violence in the arms and arms of the deceased who does not match the suicide label. For their part, the Adams family launched a collect on GoFundMe raise the necessary funds to pay for funeral services, to which they added a new funding goal yesterday a second autopsy . We want answers “, wrote Antoinette Watkins , aunt of the deceased.


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