Two gorillas surprise viewers with oral sex show


Playful pair of gorillas at the Bronx Zoo proved they love sexual pleasure when one was filmed performing oral sex with his partner in front of horrified zoo visitors. A video of the scene went viral on social media, But animal experts report that everything is perfectly normal.

“I was shocked and had no idea it was a ‘natural’ act,” said the cameraman, who chose to remain anonymous, of the incredible spectacle he captured on the show. a visit to the iconic New York Zoo with his family.

“I was at the gorilla show with my daughter and my 4 year old niece,” he said. “My wife had to stay outside the exhibit with my sleeping son, so I wanted to capture a lot of videos. Then this magic happened“.

Gorillas perform oral sex at the Bronx Zoo, to the surprise of visitors.

Gorillas perform oral sex at the Bronx Zoo, much to visitors’ surprise.

The resulting images show the generous monkey serving his partner lying on the ground. At the same time, the spectators burst out laughing and try to cover their children.

Representatives from the Bronx Zoo, who were unaware of the video, made no comment when contacted by the New York Post.

Meanwhile, this isn’t the first time gorillas have been seen having oral sex at the Bronx Zoo. Seven years ago, a participant posted a photo showing two of the facility’s animals kissing each other in what is colloquially referred to as the “position 69” in front of the children.

The Bronx Zoo, surprised by the spectacle of gorillas.

The Bronx Zoo surprised with the gorilla show.

Great ape fellatio might sound unorthodox, but it really isn’t. Oral sex is quite common throughout the animal kingdom with sightings of species ranging from cheetahs to bears and bats engaging in obscene acts, the BBC reported.

In fact, many species have sex for pleasure. Bonobos, also known as hippie monkeys, they have a notoriously perverted sex life.

Mother and daughter cannot believe what they see.

Mother and daughter cannot believe what they see.

“While the chimpanzee shows little variation in intercourse, the bonobos behave as if they have read the Kamasutra, performing every position and variation imaginable,” confirmed Steven D. Pinkerton, professor of psychiatry and medicine. behavioral at the Wisconsin School of Medicine.

According to primatologist Frans de Waal, co-author of “Bonobo: the forgotten monkey.

“And they don’t discriminate when it comes to couples: men and women have same-sex and heterosexual relationships, while even babies have been observed to do so with adults.

This monkey and deer fall in love with each other Bonobos are also the only species, aside from gorillas and humans, known to adopt the missionary position during sex.


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