Two months before the crime, Nahir told her ex-boyfriend that she was pregnant


Nahir Galarza Source: Archive

"I am pregnant". This direct, unequivocal, concrete message sent Nahir Galarza to Fernando Pastorizzo last October, two months before the tragic end of the heated relationship between the two young people, which culminated when the 19-year-old girl , fired two deadly blows. that she was sentenced to life imprisonment a week ago by a Gualeguaychú court. A few weeks after this message, he sent another: this time, he told him that he had miscarried. Given that, the answer of the young man, 20 years old, was: "Do not worry, then we will have another one."

This conversation, revealed by the prosecutor of the case, Sergio Rondoni Caffa, is among the 104,000 WhatsApp messages that Nahir and Fernando went through the last year before the crime, an exchange that the prosecutor of the public prosecutor's office considered key to cement the certainty that there was a relationship between the couple, a bond that served to consider the homicide aggravated.

that the prosecution intended to use as proof of the link: a video showing a badual relationship between young people. This file was in the mailbox of Fernando Pastorizzo and was decoded by computer experts during the investigation of the crime.

At the beginning of the trial, Nahir exploded when he discovered and threatened to commit suicide if the images were made public. Although only five people had restricted access to this material – the judge, the prosecutor, the parties' lawyers – and measures were taken to protect their privacy, the video "leaked" and began circulating on Internet. One of Galarza's lawyers, José Ostolaza, revealed the viralisation of images, whose content is private. "We are angry and sad about what happened … Tomorrow [por hoy] we will file an amparo order to prevent its spread," said Ostolaza yesterday.

March in the capital

In two weeks, the foundations of the decision made last Tuesday by Judges Mauricio Deruddi, Arturo Dumón and Alicia Vivian. But in the meantime, feminist groups that do not believe in what they call "Patriarchal Justice" will be concentrated today in the city of Buenos Aires under the slogan "Absolution and Freedom for Nahir". Galarza. "

It will be at 6:30 pm in front of the Entre Ríos House in Buenos Aires (Suipacha 844); Among the proposed activities for the rally, there will be" stencils and stickers for the freedom of Nahir and all dams to defend themselves "and a series of reading letters to the young Gualeguaychen entitled" We believe you because we know. ", the organizers maintained:" Already socially condemned before the trial, Nahir received what many understand as an "exemplary phrase" that aims to teach bads, transvestites, trans, non-binary and women who "

And they justified their acquittal claim:" Because we believe that they want to ruin the life of a 19-year-old girl to generate a scapegoat that serves to hide the immense damage caused by the mbadacre. romantic love and the heterobadual couple, especially women and dissenting corporals, because "cross-violence" does not exist: socially constructed and legitimized violence is exerted by heterobadual cis men like Fernando Pastorizzo " .

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