Two neighbors of Villa La Angostura died in an accident on Highway 40


Two neighbors of Villa La Angostura died this morning when they clashed almost frontally against a tanker truck

The accident occurred around 9 am to km 2101, when for reasons that the Renault was investigated Clio hit the truck. The most important vehicle hit the left side of the car.

Four neighbors of the city named Bustamante drove the Renault. Sources in the case indicated that two of the occupants died, the father and his daughter about 15 years old. The other two sons of the man, also young, were taken by ambulance. One of them was referred to San Martin de los Andes hospital with a reserved prognosis, the other was admitted to La Angostura hospital and its transfer was evaluated

The Renault was going to Bariloche and the truck was driving in the opposite direction. 19659002] In the morning, there was ice on the road and, according to the sources of the investigation, the minor vehicle would have crossed the lane.

Volunteer firefighters from Villa La Angostura, the hospital and the police attended the accident. By the expertise of justice, as part of the investigation, the road was cut off for an hour and a half

The sad news shocked the neighbors, since it is a local family well known.

Mayor Guillermo Caruso decreed 3 days of mourning because of "the tragic accident suffered in the morning by the Bustamante family."
He also expressed "his deepest condolences for the irreparable loss that meant the departure of the members of this pioneering family of Villa La Angostura"

"That in these moments of a trance as acute, receive spiritual support to help them cope with those hours of pain, "he said.

As the Undersecretariat for Sports reported The free football and veteran tournaments scheduled for Sunday and Monday at the Barbagelata Gymnasium will be suspended. (Source Diario Andino)

Photos: Courtesy / exclusivity DiarioAndino

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