Two new cases of the Delta variant of the coronavirus were detected at Ezeiza airport


The Ministry of Health of the Nation confirmed this Friday the detection of two positive cases of Delta variant among residents of the city of Buenos Aires who entered through Ezeiza airport.

In this way, there are already five cases of Delta variant detected in Argentina since this line began to travel around the world. In any case, the authorities clarified that the country does not record community circulation of this worrying variant.

Both cases were detected after undergoing a study in the Malbran Institute. One of the passengers arrived from the United States and the other from Venezuela. They are isolated.

“It is relevant to stress the importance that all returning travelers carry out the indicated isolation days and the PCR test on the seventh day of their arrival,” they said from the Nation’s Ministry of Health. Following this new variant, the national government ordered that only 600 people can enter Argentina per day from abroad.

Regarding the two new cases, the health portfolio said the first is a 42-year-old traveler, a resident of the city of Buenos Aires, who arrived in the country on June 15 from Miami. The passenger presented proof of PCR negative before the flight and a negative antigen test carried out on arrival in the country.

The person said he received the Janssen R vaccine on June 5, showing mild symptoms which he linked to an allergy picture. On June 23, a follow-up PCR study was performed with a detectable result, so she is currently in isolation.

They have detected two new cases of the Delta variant of the coronavirus. Credits: EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni.
For: EFE Services

On Thursday, the ANLIS Malbrán institute confirmed the detection of a Delta variant. The traveler lives with a relative who is currently hospitalized with pneumonia. The jurisdiction conducts epidemiological studies corresponding to the traveler and his family member.

As for the second case, it is a 35-year-old traveler also resident of the city of Buenos Aires, who says he stayed two months in Venezuela and returned home on June 21 (via Panama-Bogota).

He himself presented the test PCR negative pre-flight and antigen test carried out on arrival in the country also negative. On June 23, she started with symptoms (diarrhea and myalgia); and a day later, an antigen test was performed with a positive result and detectable PCR, for which he was referred to a city health hotel for isolation compliance.

The Delta variant is more dangerous than the other lines. Credit: EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni
For: EFE Services

Also in this case, the Malbrán Institute confirmed the detection of the Delta variant on Thursday. The traveler declared having been in contact with a person who is currently asymptomatic and followed by the jurisdiction.

In the current context, the national health portfolio is carrying out the epidemiological surveillance actions necessary for the detection, control and isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in order to delay the entry of the Delta variant, a mutation of the virus which at the moment is not predominant in the country.

To delay the entry of variants of concern to travelers, the country’s borders have been closed to tourism since December 25 last year, and recently a limit of 600 daily passengers was set for arrivals of Argentinian travelers by travelers. corridors. Aeroparque and San Fernando airports.


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