Two pit bulls killed their owner in an animal shelter


Johana Villafane's dogs were in detention for aggressive behavior and she experienced the brutality of her two animals, which allowed her to die inside the establishment.

The woman was immediately transferred to a nearby hospital, but the clinic's doctors could do nothing to restore her vital signs and she lost her life in the hospital.

Pitbull Hospital

O Connor Animal Hospital Clinic

O Connor Animal Hospital Clinic

Dallas police announced that Villafañe had picked up his dogs at the clinic O & # 39; Connor Animal Hospital feed the pitbull, who was quarantined for biting a person last week.

The woman fed the animals and led them to an open area when, Suddenly, she was attacked by her pets.

A few minutes later, when the clinic staff noticed that the woman had not come back, they went to check and found her lying down and seriously injured on the ground. The dogs continuously bit him and did not let anyone approach him.

To be able to approach Villafañe the guards had to shoot the animals with a tranquilizer a team of paramedics was able to help the woman lying on the ground.

Despite the speed with which members of the shelter helped her, inside Parkland Hospital, they managed to do nothing to save her life and shortly thereafter they reported his death.


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