Two Russian military planes arrived in Venezuela – 24/03/2019


At Simón Bolívar international airport of Maiquetía, Caracas, they landed two aircraft of the Russian air force, an Antonov 124 and an Ilyushin Il-62, this Saturday with 99 Russian soldiers and 35 tons of cargo, have announced several sources of social networks, confirmed the Russian public agency Sputnik.

It would be the third time in four months that Russian planes had arrived in Caracas since last December, when two atomic bombers, Tupolev 160, had surprised the Venezuelan sky, raising alarms for their unusual presence.

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The scheme Nicolás Maduro he tried to keep secret arrival of the Russian Air Force ships. The first to report his presence was the user, the digital communications consultant, Federico Black, who had been alerted on his Twitter account (@FedericoBlackB), that trucks were unloading heavy crates from the Antonov 124 on ramp 4 of Maiquetía.

Forensic journalist Javier Mayorca said in his @JavierMayorca account that "this afternoon, a delegation of 99 Russian soldiers, headed by the defense minister of the country's greatest general, Vasilly Tonkoshkurov, arrived at the airport of Maiquetía.They were received on a presidential ramp by VA Marianny Mata, Director of International Affairs and Integration. "

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Mayorca added that "immediately after (2 pm), a Russian cargo ship carrying 35 tons of equipment belonging to the contingent that had just landed arrived at the same terminal. Staff of the Russian Embbady and Brigadier General Edgar Colina Reyes also attended the reception procession."

Another Twitter user, Yoruk Isik (@ YodukIsik), indicated the route taken by the plane to travel from Venezuela to Venezuela: "Landed in Dakar: the 223rd flight unit of the Russian air force Ilyushin Il62M flew from Moscow Chkalovsky to Damascus.After 5 hours in Damascus, Il62M sailed for Dakar.It is very likely that the plane will cross the river. Pond for #Venezuela ".

Subsequently, the official Russian agency Sputnik announced that the mission had arrived at "compliance" with "military technical contracts", based on information from sources at the country's embbady in Caracas. He added that these flights "have nothing mysterious" because they are carried out under contracts signed years ago.

Maduro, meanwhile, did not specify the reason for the thefts of Russian military aircraft in Venezuela, in the context of the serious crisis in the country, where the President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, also President of the National Assembly, recognized by about 60 countries and supported by the United States.

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The journalist Maibort Petit has published in Miami Diario that the continued theft of the Russian aircraft would be part of the Maduro plan to install a Russian military base in southern Venezuela, in accordance with the agreements signed by the two governments, which are not approved by the National Assembly.

MP William Dávila said that the arrival of Russian planes "violates the Venezuelan constitution" because it does not have the approval of parliament.



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