Two suspects of the crime of the Argentine tourist in Brazil fall


Two men were arrested yesterday, accused of attacking and stabbing Argentine tourist Luis Daniel Barizone, 65, during an attack on a beach in Salvador de Bahia, sources told Telam. Consulate of this city of North Brazil. local investigation police.

Santiago Trasmonte, Argentine deputy consul, confirmed the arrest of the two suspects that was finalized in the last few hours by the staff of the Homicide Division of the Civilian Police (Investigations) of the State of Bahia.

Police sources told Telam that the detainees were identified as Lucas Amancio de Souza, 22, nicknamed "Chucky", and Danilo Lima, 18, called "Recruit".

The investigators arrived on both suspects on the basis of a video of the security cameras of the municipality of Salvador and after witness testimony.

The sources told the agency that "Chucky" was a known criminal in the region since his arrest six times, accused of theft, theft, illegal possession of arms and drug trafficking, while "Novato "does have a story

Daniela Barizone, the 25-year-old daughter of the victim, said her father "was bleeding on the beach" after two criminals "sitting on stones" intercepted them to steal their belongings.

"When I turned around, one of the robbers and my father were hugging and I approached thinking that the situation was under control until I saw that I was there. they put her knife in the back, "said the young woman, who remembered him as a man" I loved the sea and the sport ".

The crime took place last Tuesday on the Faro Beach of Itapoá, where the family had gone to take pictures at sunset.

Barizone's wife told the press that everything had started when it was dark and that they went back to their hotel and were surprised by the attackers.

"Just then, my husband said:" Let's go because it's dark "and he got up to leave.I turned around to see if my daughter was coming and j & rsquo; My husband yelled "help, help, help," he badured Emilia Cano, the woman of the murdered man.

According to her story, when she looked at her husband, she noticed two black men running out, but one of them came back and started fighting with her to steal her satchel, where she had her mobile phone, that of her daughter and about 200 reais. .

"He wants to take out my banana bag and he takes off my shirt, he breaks it." My husband immediately came to my rescue and the two brought him in. At that moment, they stuck a knife at him, "said the woman, and threw the criminals away.

"My husband started shouting", they shot me, I died, I'm dead. "I asked for help and I did not know what to do, two men came, they put him on the belly and I saw that there was A hole in which he was bleeding a lot.Despite the efforts of a medical team that arrived on the scene, my husband died, "he said.


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