Two tourists found dead on “the island of death” – News


They found a couple of dead tourists on Koh Tao, known colloquially as “the island of death” because since 2014, a series of deaths of several tourists has tragically occurred in this Thai destination.

This time it was the billionaire the hotelier Rakeshwar Sachathamakul and his wife Anshoo, found dead in a luxury resort, as reported RT.

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His own son, named Ratish, was the one who alerted police after he returned from a beach walk, he said, and found the lifeless bodies floating in the pool.

According to the first police hypotheses, everything seemed to indicate that one of the victims had a difficulty such as drowning, and the other too, after trying to rescue him.

After opening the investigation, the police confiscated the security cameras, although it appeared that at the time of the event there was no trace of the footage.

With this case, already there are nine tourists who lost their lives in this Thai destination, reported RT.

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In 2014, a British couple was murdered. It was about David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, the latter was also raped. For this act, two Burmese citizens were sentenced.

That same year they found another Briton named Nick pearson under a cliff in the bay of Koh Taode.

The following year, another British tourist Christina annesley He died mixing antibiotics with alcohol. What is striking about this fact is that his body was left in a temple for several days before an autopsy was performed.

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Likewise, another traveler Dimitri Povse, was found hanged in a bungalow with his hands tied behind his back.

According to several relatives of the deceased, they stress that there is a local mafia, in collusion with the local authorities.


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