Two Venezuelans killed in clash with Chavez soldiers


Two people have died today in the Venezuelan Bolivar state of Bolivar, on the border with Brazil, following a clash between Chavez soldiers and members of an indigenous community, local media reported.

The confrontation having occurred in a region where communications are complicated, the details of the incident are unknown, although early reports added that there were 15 indigenous shot wounded.

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One of the victims is Zoraida Rodríguez, an empanada saleswoman of the Pemón community. Later, it was confirmed that her husband, named Rolando García, had also died as a result of the shooting.

Anti-Chavez members said that a group of soldiers attacked a group of about 20 natives who were leaving in caravans, while tension prevailed in this border area to try to introduce into the country humanitarian aid brought by President Nicolás Maduro refuses.

Of the wounded in the episode, five were interned in a hospital in Boa Vista, capital of the state of Roraima, on the border with Venezuela, informed the Brazilian authorities.

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The Roraima State Ministry of Health, led by President Jair Bolsonaro's social-liberal party, said the wounded had entered 2 Venezuelan ambulances despite the order to close the border post by President Nicolás Maduro.

The Venezuelan guards let the ambulances go to Brazil because the Indians were shot and wounded by the military crackdown as they tried to block the pbadage of the armed forces.

According to reports from MPs opposed to Maduro, the conflict with the army was reported to have taken place in Kumarakapay, about 100 kilometers from the border on the Venezuelan side, killing at least two people.

"The patients arrived in two ambulances accompanied by a Venezuelan doctor to the hospital of Boa Vista," said the statement from the Ministry of Health.

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According to Globo, dozens of people crossed the arid border of Brazil in places where the Venezuelan army did not exist.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo, in cooperation with the United States, will deliver qualified supplies of humanitarian aid to the border zone tomorrow, but until now, we know that these documents will be collected. by politicians aligned with self-proclaimed President Juan Guaidó


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