Two women ministers and the Italian government resigned in …


From Rome.Senator and former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, The leader of the center-left party Italia Viva (IV), announced this Wednesday at a press conference the resignation of the two ministers of his party from the government of Giuseppe Conte, which could lead to a serious crisis and cause the downfall of the Prime Minister and his cabinet, composed mainly of forces Democratic Party (PD, center left) and Five star movement (M5S, center) in addition to IV.

Leave the minister, Teresa bellanova, Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, and Elena Bonetti, Minister for Equal Opportunities and Family Policies, abstained from voting on Tuesday evening, as the government discussed and approved the implementation plan for the Recovery Fund, the special fund created by the European Union to help member countries cope with the economic crisis triggered by the pandemic.

During the press conference Renzi presented, among other reasons for the resignation, the fact that the government has not done enough to allocate more funds to health, by resorting to the ESM (European Stability Mechanism or funds saves the States, born in 2012 to help countries in difficulty). “If we are in a crisis, we have to ask for it,” Renzi said, even though Italy will receive the funds allocated by the European Union via the Recovery Fund.

What we do not yet know is whether, with the resignation of ministers, the Conte government will fall or not. “We are ready to discuss anything, whatever the ideology,” Renzi said at the press conference. And given the possibility that Conte could become Prime Minister again in the event of a crisis, he clarified that his party “has no prejudices” towards him but would not accept “any government with the forces of the right”.

“I don’t think we should go and vote” (which can happen in Italy in the event of a government crisis without a solution), he also stressed, leaving open the possibility of negotiation between the center-left parties for the formation of a new government, and crushing the hopes of the center-right which is struggling to get to new elections because, according to them, they would obtain the majority in both houses.

Ultimately, according to some analysts, Conte must decide whether to resign (and if he did, the President of the Republic could entrust someone else with forming the government) or not to accept the resignation of ministers. and negotiate a new agreement with Renzi. According to some reports in the press, the Prime Minister has already prepared a document to sign all the leaders of the coalition and thus relaunch his government. Other information ensures that the Minister of the Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, would return to the plan of the Recovery Fund approved Tuesday evening by the ministers, trying to meet the demands of the Minister of Agriculture Bellanova.

Faced with the possibility of the crisis being declared, the Prime Minister met this afternoon with the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, to inform you of the approval of the Stimulus Fund implementation plan and to discuss the status of the ruling coalition. President Mattarella, as he has done since the outbreak of the pandemic, has once again insisted on the need to quickly emerge from the uncertainty and move forward. And according to the AGI news agency, the president is said to be very concerned about the possibility of a crisis at a time when covid numbers are on the rise.

PD exhibitors also disagreed with Renzi. “Everything must be done to find a solution to the crisis”, was under the auspices of the secretary of the PD, Nicola Zingaretti, while the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, called on all parties “to keep the health of Italians out of the political battle”. M5S called Renzi’s decision “incomprehensible”.

The media had been talking about a possible government crisis for days. And the main manager of the crisis was the head of Italia Viva (Iv), still quite critical of the Conte government even when two of its representatives entered as ministers in September 2019. According to IV, the government’s plan to implementing the recovery The fund is “totally insufficient”, despite the fact that the cabinet of ministers had agreed a few days ago to carry out a series of reforms and to include certain points at the request of Renzi’s party.

Of course, the center-right opposition was quick to attack the Conte government. “Shame, anger and disgust are felt when you see the theater that the PD-M5S is doing,” said the right-wing La Liga frontman, Matteo Salvini. “The most realistic hypothesis is that of a center-right government which places health, economic growth, businesses, work and justice reform at the center of its concerns,” he added. . “The main road is to go to early elections (because the mandate of this Parliament ends in 2023)”, concluded Salvini.

Analysts are giving the Conte government 24 to 36 hours to find a solution that allows it to continue.


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