Two women were swinging 1,800 meters and fell from a cliff


In the Sulak Canyon, one of his Main tourist attractions of Russia, a group of people lived a moment of terror when he went out the hammock in which they were standing two people, located on the edge of a 1800 meters high ravine.

As the Sulak Canyon is known, it has a heavenly view, which is why it is one of the points chosen by tourists to make a fascinating and dangerous activity. That consists of sit in some kind of wooden chair, which is located at the edge of the canyon, with rustic security measures and swing into the void to feel the adrenaline rush of risk.

As we can see in the videos circulating on social networks, on this occasion, two young people climbed into the hammock and they were swinging at full speed, while the rest of the contingent applauded and celebrated in a climate of joy and happiness. When suddenly the unexpected happened: nail the chains of the structure broke and the two girls flew into the void. Immediately in the video you can hear the cries of help from the young women and the spectators of the dramatic scene.

Their hammock fell 1,800 meters and they fell off a cliff.

Fortunately both fell on a wooden platform which is a few meters deep, the injuries they sustained were therefore minimal compared to the fatal outcome the episode could have had.

Quick reflexes, those present approached the place where the victims fell and brought them to safety. Luckily, suffered only minor injuries, superficial cuts and bruises, according to the information portal Bible Boy. In this regard, a source told the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, that “the girls were scared and suffered scratches, but none of them suffered serious injuries”.

The attraction is in Dagestan one of the 22 republics that make up the Russian Federation, located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Now local police are investigating the swing and other similar structures built along the top of the canyon that are subject to safety inspections. Well, the Dagestan Ministry of Tourism admitted that the swing “He did not comply with the corresponding safety regulations.”

“It is terrifying to think of what would have happened if the hammock had been released when it was at its maximum height,” one of the contingent said sadly on local radio. Komsomolskaya Pravda. From what happened, the local government of Kazbekovsky ordered to remove the hammocks.


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