Tymoshenko confessed that the FARC were going to assassinate Juan Manuel Santos: this is how the hearing before the JEP unfolded


The president of the Comunes party, Rodrigo Londoño, known in his time as a guerrilla under the name of Tymoshenko, reads the conclusions of the second extraordinary National Assembly of the FARC party, today, Sunday at a press conference of his party in Medellín.  EFE / Luis Eduardo Noriega A.
The president of the Comunes party, Rodrigo Londoño, known in his time as a guerrilla under the name of Tymoshenko, reads the conclusions of the second extraordinary National Assembly of the FARC party, today, Sunday at a press conference of his party in Medellín. EFE / Luis Eduardo Noriega A.

This Wednesday February 10, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) summoned Rodrigo Londoño, said Tymoshenko, to tell the truth about the assassination of the conservative politician Álvaro Gómez Hurtado and five other murders committed by the Farc-Ep which he extinguished. led in his last term. Beginning his statement, Londoño said an assassination attempt against Juan Manuel Santos was expected at the start of the peace negotiations.

When asked by titular magistrate Julieta Lemaitre whether the secretariat was planning to attack people he considered enemies of the organization (as in the case of Gómez Hurtado), Londoño explained that he did not remembered that it had been talked about, but admitted that at one point, when the peace negotiations began (2012), the possibility of attacking the life of Juan Manuel Santos, then President of Colombia, was evoked. “The only time I remember we objected to acting against someone was when, under Alfonso Cano’s leadership, he informed us that a command informed us that he was ready to attempt to undermine the life of President Juan Manuel Santos at the time.“.

However, this action was never taken: “In the end, then, he (Alfonso Cano) made the decision that it was not going to be done because it would not be ethical to act against a person with whom to. that moment he was talking and this activity has never been left free“, Specified” Tymoshenko “.

The Álvaro Gómez Hurtado case

On the other hand, the former guerrilla leader admitted that Gómez Hurtado’s death was a ‘settling of scores’ for his political attitude and because the conservative leader instigated Operation Marquetalia which sparked the revolution of the future illegal group.

“I dare say it with pain and with what it means: (the reason for the murder) was to collect accounts, to settle accounts. It was to collect a political attitude from Mr. Gómez, even of all these six cases, practically in between is this (the reason): to collect an account“Said the current leader of the Communes party questioned by the auxiliary magistrate, Farid Samir Benavides, who also asked him if the alliance between the then President of the Republic, Ernesto Samper and the FARC to commit the assassination had not been possible, theory denied by the former member of the former FARC secretariat.

This theory that Samper was responsible for the death of Álvaro Gómez arose from the moment of the death of the Conservative leader since, at the time, the journalist had also denounced several acts of alleged corruption within the government and declared his opposition to Samper. However, this has never been proven.

Rodrigo Londoño’s confession backs up the testimony Julián Gallo, known as Carlos Antonio Lozada, gave to the JEP on December 10, where he said the reason for the Tory leader’s assassination was “because, during his stay in the Senate, he promoted the military offensive against the settlements of certain peasants, under the argument that there were “independent republics” and declared that they recognized Álvaro Gómez Hurtado as one of those responsible for triggering a conflict that has lasted more than 53 years ”and argued, like Londoño on Wednesday, that most of the cases were seen as opponents of their struggle.

However, Fernando Junior Landeazábal, son of General Landeazábal, also murdered by the Farc and one of the six cases, said he found iInconsistencies in the history of the former guerrilla commander and asserted that he did not expect more from him because “he was not a member of the FARC secretariat, so everything he says is based on hypotheses “, but now with the testimony of the top FARC leader, who yes he was a member, you can have a more concise version in the case, Although in this diligence, Londoño said he was not present when the decision was made, but he can recognize their authorship. Faced with accusations from those close to Gómez Hurtado of not believing the exFarc and accusing them of covering up the real culprits, the now political leader said they had no reason to wrongly incriminate themselves for a crime so relevant to the country.

However, ‘Tymoshenko’ said he “had no information” about the existence of evidence proving that the events were committed by them. Faced with the events of Gómez Hurtado, the delegate of the Attorney General’s office, Jairo Acosta, asked him if they were hand in hand with the public forces or in conjunction with other armed groups, but ‘Tymoshenko’ said that ‘they had planned and executed it. alone. This same question was put to Lozada during his last hearing and he also denied, arguing that it would not make sense to join the Military Forces when they were their main enemies.

Rodrigo Londoño said they have come to confess their responsibility so far because Manuel Marulanda, at the time the top leader of the Farc-Ep, ordered them to remain silent and create contradictions in the scene. country’s policy to affect it directly, as happened directly with the accusations of former President Samper.

According to Tymoshenko, he did not know how the Ruan works

In his testimony, Londoño said that it was only until December 10, when “ Carlos Antonio Lozada ” appeared before the JEP, that he learned about the workings of the Antonio Nariño (Ruan) urban network, the front allegedly responsible for the execution of the assassination against Álvaro. Gómez and that it was commanded by Lozada.


“It was expected in less than a month”: Carlos Antonio Lozada confesses details of the crime of Gómez Hurtado and five other cases

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