U.N. Security Council meets urgently after North Korea missiles launch


The UN Security Council met urgently after North Korea's missile launch tests (PHOTO: REUTERS)
The UN Security Council met urgently after North Korea’s missile launch tests (PHOTO: REUTERS)

The Security Council of The UN held a last-minute emergency meeting on Wednesday on the latest developments on the Korean Peninsula, where the ballistic missile was launched, diplomatic sources said.

The meeting “It was requested by France and Estonia”, said to AFP one of these sources. The meeting was held in camera, the informants said.

The Council expressed its concern about this “great threat” to peace, declared the French ambassador to the UN, Nicolas de Rivière.

In the past, These emergency meetings following North Korea’s missile fire often ended with the issuance of a statement. common of European members of the Security Council.

France and Estonia have requested the meeting of the UN Security Council, which was held informally and behind closed doors (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)
France and Estonia have requested the meeting of the UN Security Council which was held informally and behind closed doors (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)

“We all condemned what happened. Everyone is very concerned about this situation ”, De Rivière told reporters after the meeting, which lasted three quarters of an hour.

“It is a great threat to peace and security, it is a flagrant violation of Council resolutions”he added, saying the missiles had “landed in Japan’s exclusive economic zone”.

“Sure, we need a political dialogue, a political solution, but the prerequisite is North Korea’s compliance with the UN Security Council resolutions ”continued the diplomat.

North Korean launches they represent “a threat to the non-proliferation regime, to the world, to the neighbors of North Korea, South Korea and Japan.” We fully understand the concerns in this region and urge North Korea to respect UN resolutions and resume talks, ”he insisted.

clarified that no draft joint declaration to the Council was envisaged.

The UN Security Council has expressed concern over North Korea's warlike practices (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)
The UN Security Council has expressed concern over North Korea’s war practices (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)

In a statement issued in London, The British Foreign Office condemned, as the United States had done before, this “manifest violation” of Security Council resolutions and “a threat to regional peace and security”.

“We urge North Korea to refrain from any further provocation and to resume dialogue with the United States,” added the statement.

North Korea and South Korea launched missiles on Wednesday in what looks like an arms race between the two countries that are technically still at war.

According to diplomatic and UN sources, Seoul is not subject to the ban on launching ballistic missiles, unlike Pyongyang, against which they are weighing several series of strong economic sanctions intended to stop its ballistic and nuclear weapons programs.

(With information from AFP)


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