U.S. Lower House Approves $ 1.9 Trillion Stimulus Package To Address COVID-19 Crisis


Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.

The House of Representatives on Saturday dawn approved a new rescue to deal with the economic devastation caused by the pandemic worth $ 1.9 trillion.

The project was approved by 219 votes for – all Democrats – and 212 against – Republicans. en bloc plus two Democrats – a few minutes later at 2:00 a.m. Saturday (07:00 GMT).

With the support of the Lower House, The bill now goes to the Senate, which must approve it, and if there is a change, the two houses will negotiate a joint version.

It is the first major legislative project promoted by the Joe Biden government, who said now is the time to approve heavy spending to get out of the crisis.

The bailout’s most striking measure is the new direct payments to taxpayers of $ 1,400.

US President Joe Biden
US President Joe Biden

In addition, the plan includes a $ 350 billion bailout for state and local governments; $ 20,000 million for a national immunization plan and another $ 50,000 for the testing system.

It is also extending unemployment aid until August, as current funds expire on March 14, a deadline that the White House and Democrats in both chambers have set for the project to complete.

In addition to all that, The bailout includes funds for airlines, local transportation systems and the rail network, as well as food programs, rental assistance or funding to reopen schools.

One of the main sticking points among Democrats has been the inclusion in the bill of an increase in the federal minimum wage from $ 7.25 an hour now to $ 15 an hour.

On Thursday, however, Senate Legal Services informed Democrats that they couldn’t approve the 50-vote simple majority hike, as they wanted, but needed 60, an unlikely number to hit.

While the Lower House gave the green light to the project this morning, Democratic leaders continue to study how to approve the pay rise, one of Biden’s election promises.

This Biden bailout, if finally approved, would join the $ 900 billion Congress pushed in December and the $ 2.2 trillion, the largest in U.S. history, in March. latest.

(With information from EFE)


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