UBA continues to be one of the top 100 universities …


The University of Buenos Aires is ranked 66th, its “best historical position”, in a world ranking of 1,000 universities assessed by an international consulting firm, while nine UBA thematic areas are in the top 100.

The ranking, prepared by international consulting firm QS, assessed 1,000 universities worldwide and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States came first.

The nine areas of UBA considered in the top 100 are: Modern languages ​​(23rd), anthropology (37th), law (44th) Petroleum engineering (44th), sociology (52nd), geography, art and design, history and politics and international studies.

According to the ranking published by the UBA, this house of studies was considered “exceptional” in 34 categories of the 51 knowledge disciplines assessed. In 31 of them, “he competes in the top 200, which is considered elite positions”.

“QS reports that it is unusual for an educational institution to be rated in all 51 disciplines, grouped into five areas,” the UBA said.

In four of these five fields that make up the 51 disciplines, the UBA is positioned in the top 200 and in two of them in the top 100: Arts and Humanities 39th, Social Sciences and Administration 60th, Natural Sciences 122nd, Engineering and Technology 166th, while life sciences and medicine were ranked 203rd.

Nine of the themes that make up these five areas were in the top 100, four in the top 50, as improvements were reflected in six themes over last year, and 15 held their position.

UBA analyzed that among the five fields, three improved their performance: engineering and technology are located at 166 ° (176 ° in 2020), natural sciences at 122 ° (132 ° in 2020) and, finally , social sciences and administration at 60 ° (80 ° in 2020).

Alberto Barbieri, Rector of UBA, underlined the results obtained because “they demonstrate the very high level of commitment and excellence of the entire academic community”.

In the 2021 edition of the QS Subject Matter, which in turn reflects the current situation of the entire Argentinian higher education system, the UBA could not have done better, given the year difficult that the whole educational community had to go through. the occasion of the pandemic: it improved its score in the areas assessed, as well as the themes involved in them, at the same time as new disciplines were added to the list of global excellence.

Quacquarelli Symonds highlighted UBA’s performances in this edition, placing in the top 200 in four of those five areas, and two of them even in the top 100.

“The results of these international evaluations are significant because they demonstrate the very high level of commitment and excellence of the entire academic community in one of the most difficult years in the recent history of the University, due to the pandemic “, analyzed Alberto Barbieri, rector of the University of Buenos Aires.

“For this reason, we must continue to redouble our investment efforts to remain at the forefront of scientific development and, thus, contribute to economic and human development,” continued Barbieri, who said that “the priority is to respond to the needs of our society “. .

For its part, the Universidad Nacional del Sur entered the top 100 for petroleum engineering, while the Universidad Nacional de la Plata managed to position itself in the top 200 of modern languages.

In the same report, other Argentine universities were evaluated, including that of La Plata, in 11 categories, that of Córdoba, in 5; that of Rosario, in 2 and, finally, those of Mar del Plata and that of Litoral, in one category.


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