UBA has positioned itself as the best Iberian university …


One more time, the University of Buenos Aires has established itself as the best Ibero-American university climbing several positions until reaching the 69th place in the world, making it the best Spanish-speaking university in the world. As has been happening for the past seven years, the research house has shown a growth in the indicators assessed and has managed to be the first university to be the best in the region for so many years.

If we consider that in the world there are more than 24,000 universities, the current position places UBA as the only public university, massive, research intensive and free to be placed in positions of excellence, according to the new ranking of the International Consultant QS. Thus, the UBA – which is celebrating its bicentenary this year – stands out once again in the international context and continues to add prestige.

The institution celebrated this distinction and declared that this was possible thanks to policies implemented in recent years, such as increased support for research programs in strategic areas; the development of a network of exchanges and internationalization bodies between teachers, students and researchers, giving a central role to the transfer of technology with the productive sector; and innovation in technology and pedagogy.

In this sense, according to the rector of UBA, Alberto Barbieri, “this result is, fundamentally, a recognition of the students, teachers, researchers and non-teachers who, with their daily work, build the best public university in the region”. Regarding this distinction in the context of the critical context of global health, Barbieri added that “if anything has been revealed it is that the most powerful tool we have as a society to deal with this situation is our science and technology “.

Taking into account that in 2014 it was ranked 209 °, the UBA managed to position itself and to maintain itself without registering negative trends in its growth until reaching the current 69th position. This reflects an escalation of 140 positions since. Regionally, UBA occupies a leading position with leading institutions such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico, which also showed improvements over the previous year and was ranked 105th.

The exceptional position reached by the UBA in the QS ranking of universities is due to the good positioning of the indicators which are taken into account for the evaluation. The academic reputation This is one of them, in which the University of Buenos Aires reached the 44th position in the world. This indicator assesses the perceptions of academics around the world on the best institutions in terms of research.

Another indicator in which the UBA stood out – it ranks 40th – is that of employer reputation. This index measures the opinions of employers around the world on the institutions that offer the best professionals.

Another of the pillars that QS takes to analyze the quality of graduate schools is its level of internationalization. For seven years, the UBA has set itself clear objectives, rethinking its policy in this area, in terms of expansion and diversification of its programs. Thus, the new international mobility programs of UBAINT for undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and researchers have considerably increased the university’s investment in the internationalization of the activities of the different actors of life. academic and scientific.

A National level, UBA is the first Argentine university to appear in the new QS World Ranking of 2021, in 69th place, followed by Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (322nd), University of Palermo (391st), Austral University ( 400th), the University of Belgrano (465º) and the National University of La Plata (581), among others.

The QS Rankings assesses the world’s most notable and influential higher education institutions, with the aim of providing the academic community with a detailed report on each one. Prepared annually, it is based on four pillars: research, the quality of teaching, reputation with employers and internationalization. For this edition 1,673 universities worldwide have been evaluated.


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