UBA is among the top eight universities in …


The University of Buenos Aires (UBA) is one of the top eight higher education institutions in Latin America, according to a global report published by the British company QS Quacquarelli Symonds specializing in education.

UBA achieves a perfect score on the Academic Reputation Indicator in 2021 and is highly respected by graduate academics and employers. Four Nobel laureates, several presidents and figures such as Che Guevara are among the notable students of the University of Buenos Aires, whose undergraduate degrees are free for national and international students.

The list of Argentine universities according to the regional ranking places the UBA in the first place, followed by the National University of La Plata and thirdly the Austral University. Likewise, the National University of Córdoba and the Torcuato Di Tella University round out the top five.

In the tenth edition of the annual list of the best universities in Latin America, which includes 410 of the most prestigious institutions in the region, it is configured through eight indicators: academic reputation, employer reputation, ratio of professors per student, staff with doctorates, international research network, citations by article, articles by faculty and web impact.

For the third consecutive year, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC) is once again the first university in Latin America, located in 121st position in the most recent world ranking. The second place is occupied by University of São Paulo (USP), the largest public university in Brazil, while the third corresponds to the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) from Mexico.

University of Chile climbed three places and this year stole fourth place in the Latin American ranking, while the Campinas State University (Unicamp) from Brazil came in fifth place.

Further down the list, the University of Andes Colombia (Uniandes) lost two places in the Latin American rankings and ranks sixth and National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) fell to seventh place in the ranking of Latin America.

Eighth place is for the University of Buenos Aires, position nine for the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the largest federal university in Brazil, and the last place, and for the third consecutive year, is for the National University of Colombia.

In the new classification, Brazil presents the most favorable results, with 94 of its universities highlighted in the Latin American ranking, followed by Mexico with 66 universities and Colombia 60. The data collected for these classifications reflect the period prior to covid-19.


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