Uber sent a statement on the future of mobility in Argentina to its users and drivers


Thank you again for the confidence in Uber . Today, we want to tell you how our proposal for a future with less congestion, fewer accidents and more economic opportunities. We have been in Argentina for more than two years and we are proud to know that we have collaborated with thousands of people who found in Uber an economic opportunity and with hundreds of thousands who incorporated Uber to their mobility. daily

This future is built from a solid position that we reiterate: Uber is legal in Argentina . Our activity is provided for in Argentine law and this is confirmed by various judicial decisions. Uber has COOKED, pays all taxes and recent changes in the regulation of platforms can make him contribute even more. Today, there is progress in different districts of the country to incorporate new technologies into local regulations. We hope to operate across the country with laws that frame the activity, give security to the thousands of Argentines who use the platform to make money and benefit cities with new mobility solutions that help reduce congestion.

Why is a new law needed? The use of unregulated services is part of our daily reality. Most of the applications we have on the phone do not have specific regulatory frameworks that allow them. However, as Uber they are legal. Since the beginning of our operation in Buenos Aires, we have proposed the convenience of a specific regulation for transport by applications. The laws that govern transportation today are over 20 years old and the updates do not reflect the changes in the way we all use technology. Uber is not a taxi or handed over and this has already been tried by the Buenos Aires justice. Application-based transport is a different category from existing applications and requires new regulation.

How do other cities approach this problem? Transmission network companies have specific regulations in more than 150 cities worldwide. world Every city has recognized the emergence of a new category and established priorities. In Latin America, San Pablo, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo and La Paz, among others, already have modern laws that set criteria for the operation. In the legislature of the city of Buenos Aires, the draft regulation presented by MP Hernán Rossi in 2016 has never been discussed. Recently, several districts have decided to go ahead with regulatory proposals for transport network companies, including Mendoza, Rosario, Posadas, La Pampa and the province of Buenos Aires. In the city of Buenos Aires, Recently Improved – Liberal Party in Change – decided to present a popular initiative project to address the issue that can be virtually supported in this petition.

What is the next step? continue, work with all cities of Argentina to improve the way we move. Uber contributes economically to places as diverse as New York, Sydney, Mumbai or Lima. Access to reliable and affordable transportation changes the way we envision the need for a private car and creates greater connectivity with transportation infrastructure. In addition, it generates economic opportunities where there are none. Argentina's challenge, like that of many other countries, is to generate economic opportunities and benefits for all. After Uber we believe that openness to innovation and technology is a unique opportunity. It is our commitment and the reason why we will continue to work together to promote mobility and development in Argentina.

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