Uber would arrive in Rosario and Santa Fe? – Day of hope x day


Uber in the country is synonymous with controversy. But also an inquiry on how traditional transportation services are currently offered in different cities. Beyond the strictly normative discussion of the state's intention to regulate and control, there is something undeniable, the application puts the status quo in crisis and gets develops not only in the country but throughout the world

. gang of taxi drivers hunting Uber. Meanwhile, in Córdoba, Mendoza and Rosario, the arrival is imminent. The company has started pilot registration and has launched surveys for future users. Everything is also true, apart from any legislation. Taxis and discounts have obligations and operating requirements, Uber no. However, without the cities being able to avoid it, Uber arrives.

This week, in Rosario, Councilor María Eugenia Schmuck presented a project, according to her, to advance "modern legislation, which can integrate taxi drivers into the system and offer different options to users." acknowledged that the Council wants or not, "is a platform that will enter without any regulation and this is not smart." During the same week, 3,000 Rosario were registered as drivers and more than 70,000 installed the application, according to the newspaper The Capital reported this week.

What's going on in Santa? Faith?

The debate is near. Faced with this reality, Diario Uno de Santa Fe began consultation with local actors. "The discussion has not come to fruition yet," they commented in the press section of the City Council. However, something was planned on the scene in previous years. In 2016, the organization approved a resolution asking the executive to conduct audits and inspections to ensure that the pbadenger car transportation service is provided by authorized vehicles and systems. by taxi and surrender orders

. Leandro González (FPCyS), who at the time has advanced the intention to specify that the system that arrives must comply with the rules already met by others. Consulted by this means, the mayor pointed out that the intention behind the legislation pbaded in 2016 is that all transport systems in the city are framed in the corresponding ordinances. In this regard, he recalled that there are currently 11,661 (taxis) and 9,981 (discounts) orders, which are giving the regulatory framework for the development of these activities. In addition to the 11,480 that are public pbadenger transport

"It is the regulatory framework, which requires certain steps for the qualification of cars, drivers and others.I think that any issue that needs to be discussed must clearly to have a regulatory framework, "he warned, while acknowledging that" the arrival of new technologies is generating new opportunities and opportunities for current systems. "

striking a balance between existing systems and new opportunities I think we should not be afraid, but we need to create a regulatory framework that does not have a negative impact on the citizens of Santa Fe, the drivers and entrepreneurs of the sector ", he said in a sentence similar to Schmuck's. Gonzalez also marked the distance with Uber and called to wonder what lies behind an application that could be presented as "a panacea", but this is not the case because at least "with the current systems , drivers and contractors are at hand As a prelude to a future Uber landing in the city, González said that "if the discussion is taking place in Rosario, it would not be unreasonable to think that in Soon we will start discussing in Santa Fe. "With whom, he said that both the municipal executive and each sector of the council will have to start investigating much more in depth what will be the impact, both negative and positive, highlighting the need to pay attention to the sources of work that can be earned and also the ones that can be lost.

For his part, the councilman Carlos Pereira (Cambiemos), former secretary general of the municipality, was direct on the service born in California. "Uber is not a cell phone app, Uber is a car in the street driven by a driver.It is a means of public transport," he said.

"Therefore, this car and this driver must have a control system established by the city.There is a selection system of cars and drivers that must be in the power of the state and not a private company.That is how public transport operates around the world and the safety rules are the strictest because there are pbadengers transported amid the chaos of the cities.The driver must be reliable and the vehicle too, "he said [19659009] He also argued that, like any activity, he must pay taxes. "There is no doubt about it. Uber competes in price, because it pays nothing but taxis and taxes. Pereira pointed out that any company in the city that does not pay, such as a pantry, will sell for less.

In this context, he argues that, even in accordance with state rules regarding vehicles and drivers, the number of vehicles on the street can not be left to the market and he remembers what is wrong. Happened in the 90's with the emergence of the discount system in the city.

"We have 3,000 vehicles in the street.The conclusion: the chaos, it did not help, it was a disaster.I am of the opinion that the number of vehicles must also In our city, this is also done at the level of the order, one is called taxi and the other is handed in. So, genuinely, to these vehicles how are they asked, if by smoke signals, by applications, in our system it does not matter, this is not regulated, "he said, adding:" What interests the state, it's the condition of the car. and the conditions of the driver, because that is the essential thing for public transport. "

Pereira felt that in recent years years the current public transport system was reorganized in the city with "a very strong consensus of all political forces" and what was regulated was done unanimously.In this sense, he felt: "I believe that today this logic is not going to break because we have a reasonable, well controlled, consensual system, is not questioned by any actor and I think it is something precious and that must be preserved. "[19659002] Unfair and unlawful competition

In contact with One Santa Fe Councilor Marcela Aeberhard, also cautious about the request, recalled that when the Uber discussion began in the country, Council promoted a demonstration with councilor Carlos Suarez, warning that the service represents unfair competition for taxis and local discounts. In the same order, he referred to the regulatory framework that governs these activities in the city.

"The truth is that we understood that the methodology and the form could be colorful or original, but today our taxi systems have applications and systems we did not want to avoid certain tax situations or the deregulation, we have not considered it favorable.Because what is regulated, the licenses and the way they operate are in absolute respect of labor laws and obviously it is a public service So it's like a parallel system that's not regulated and therefore, from my point of view, it would be illegal. "

Aeberhard agreed that Uber was considered a service public transport, and that, therefore, must respect the rules established for taxis and discounts, However, he differed from Pereira in terms of number of vehicles. "I understand the situation of having to discuss more discounts, or more taxis.Maybe better service delivery can be offered in some areas.You can discuss, we can have better question of the license, but the current regulation is this one and I do not think that getting Uber without regulation is fair, quite the contrary, "he said.

Taxis: Silence, for the moment

In March 2016, when Uber arrived in Buenos Aires, the United Taximetry Association expressed its concerns and opposition to the new service. Francisco Aiello, flatly rejected the entry of Uber: "We are against because it is a company that invests absolutely nothing, but is dedicated to the recruitment of cars and drivers This multinational is trying to deregulate the public transport of pbadengers.This is not only with the taxi, it already affects the groups with the arrival of the combis. "

A 100% urban discussion

Thursday, the provincial secretary of transport, Pablo Jukic, was interviewed by Uno on the Radio about the imminent arrival of Uber in the province. From the radio broadcast it was asked:

-In Mendoza there is a draft in the legislature concerning Uber, in Santa Fe is it the responsibility of the cities to legislate on the arrival of this service?

-Yes, correct. Today, Uber, is a service, we can say, type remís. Today, it is the municipalities that legislate on this service. The transportation law we have in the province dates back to the year 1935, with which, Uber was not planned and not even handed over. So, today, there is a legal void in the coverage of interurban discounts, but we do not have the legal tools to intervene. With whom, all this discussion of discounts, Uber, taxis, is a 100% urban discussion of each of the localities.

– So he should not intervene in the Legislature in the case of Santa Fe?

] -Not at this moment. There is a law that was sent by the executive power last year. The Transport Committee of the Chamber of Deputies is working on it today. If we update the transportation act, it may be that in the future the province has something to badyze, but always to intercity transfer, not to what happens in each city. That is, if the province wants to say something about how the transfer should be, or allow some type of transfer between Santa Fe and Laguna Paiva or between Santa Fe and Rafaela, but do not allow in the city itself.

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