Ubolratana, the rebellious princess who sings pop and wants to be prime minister


Ubolratana, sister of the king of Thailand, breaks the mussels since in 1972 he resigns his right to marry an American. She loves sports, is a pop singer and has even worked as an actress. Now she wants to be prime minister.

"I abandoned my noble title and I live like a commoner (…) as a normal citizen within the meaning of the Constitution, "she writes Friday on Instagram, reacting for the first time to his candidacy, in the photo, she appears dressed in black tight clothes and large diamond rings .

Princess Ubolratana at the Cannes Film Festival (AFP).
Princess Ubolratana at the Cannes Film Festival (AFP).

Until now, she seemed indifferent to politics. I preferred to defend Thai cinema at festivals around the world. He played in two movies, one of them "Where the miracle occurs", created in 2008 and presented at the Cannes Film Festival.

He also has his singer side and prefers pop. He sang at concerts and recorded several songs, including one for his drug foundation "To be number one".

Thursday, when the rumor ran that she would be running for the post of prime minister, the 67-year-old princess, a big fan of social media, posted a photo of her on Instagram where she appears smiling and holding red flowers. It was a sign, as she was dressed in a traditional garment from northern Thailand, Chiang Mai, Shinawatra stronghold, whose The political color is red.

But on Friday night, in another unexpected turn of the situation, the royal palace disapproved of his candidacy, putting the initiative in a compromise. All badysts initially thought that his candidacy had the King's approval.

The princess has never hidden her affinities with former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, enemy of conservative ultramonarchical elites and the army. He attended the 2018 World Cup semifinal between England and Croatia, alongside Thaksin Shinawatra and his sister Yingluck, two ex-prime ministers ousted by the army and exiles. to not participate in trials that they consider political.

When in 2017 Thaksin Shinawatra, breaking a long silence, quoted Montesquieu in a message on social networks ("There is no tyranny more cruel than that which is perpetuated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice "), the princess comments on Instagram:" I agree !!! Su Su ", which means" Fight! " in Thai.

Ubolratana Rajakanya was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, and is the first daughter of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died in 2016, and Queen Sirikit. His younger brother Maha Vajiralongkorn succeeded his father.

He has the reputation of being a rebel since his departure study the United States, where he met the American Peter Ladd Jensen, for whom he gave up the real title to be able to marry him.

With him, he had two daughters and a son. They divorced in 1998 and three years later, the princess returned to Thailand where she took back some of her real obligations.
In 2004, he lived a drama. Your autistic son, Poom, He died at the age of 21 during the devastating tsunami. After his death, he created a foundation on his behalf to help children suffering from this developmental disorder.

He is very active on social networks, especially on Instagram where he has 100,000 subscribers. On this platform he expresses his views on social issues, something unusual among members of royalty, rather reserved.

About the recent level of contamination in Bangkok, said the princess on Instagram, accompanied by a photo in which she wears a black mask: "This problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible, children can no longer go to l & # 39; school. "


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