UFC 226: Stipe Miocic's picks and predictions against Daniel Cormier for the main map


The Bloody Elbow team made its choice for UFC 226, and for the main event of the day Saturday, there is a penchant for Stipe Miocic to remain the man on more mean of the planet against lightweight Daniel Cormier. only the second simultaneous champion of two divisions in the history of the UFC. With regard to the main event, only Ram Gilboa chooses Derrick Lewis to beat Francis Ngannou

Note : Predictions came throughout the week and collected the day before the event. Explanations behind each choice are not necessary and some authors choose not to do so for their own reasons. For example, if Phil Mackenzie entered all his predictions on Wednesday without adding any explanation, he has no idea whatsoever he will be the only one to take the side of a fighter for a given fight.

Stipe Miocic vs. Daniel Cormier [19659004] Anton Tabuena: It's been a long time since I was pinball on this one. Both have similar skills, but in addition to being faster, I have the impression that Cormier is a little better on every facet of the game. But can he use it and benefit? Because Miocic will have a significant advantage in terms of size and strength, which could neutralize or overcome these slight technical deficiencies. Cormier is the much better grappler, but I doubt that he will be able to shoot and keep Miocic unless he has already worn it out and beaten it to the feet. He also has better hands, but he's not a knockout, so not only will he have to pbad through that reach, he will have to avoid Miocic's punches while separating him for 25 minutes. If this is his main way of winning, it will be difficult. I do not know. The most logical choice, says Miocic, but I still tend to side with the more technical fighter despite the mbadive hurdles that he has to overcome here. Maybe he's taking it apart and blocking it with his speed and his more diversified hit, eventually tiring him and blowing him up in the last few rounds. Or maybe Miocic only makes the opponent smaller and I did not see it because I just like rooting for the underdogs. Who knows? Daniel Cormier by decision.

Mookie Alexander : There are so many variables here. Miocic has not faced a serious fight threat in any of his victories on this current series. Cormier did not fight a heavyweight with Miocic's combination of power, speed and boxing abilities. Much of this fight really depends if Cormier can close the distance, enter Stipe's hips, and put him on his back. Cormier has a very good match and I think he is able to pin Stipe and wreak havoc. DC is also much better with the clinch offense that Miocic has ever been. What makes me hesitate is that Cormier is clearly no longer in his physical form and that the injuries that have earned him some fights in recent years are certainly not worth anything. He was injured by Jones, Gustafsson, Rumble, and scored clean by Oezdemir several times in the first round. His chin is great, but can he resist Stipe by putting repeated leather on him? I do not think so. The longer the fight remains in Stipe's range, the more Cormier is likely to win this one. My heart says Cormier because he's a big and a really nice guy, but I've too long underestimated Miocic (the waves at the UFC Countdown), so I think Stipe defends his title. Stipe Miocic by unanimous decision

Victor Rodriguez: Stipe is a better boxer than what people attribute to him, and that says a lot about his work. Even with the feints of Stipe and his ability to rush, Cormier has been training with great guys before. He ate big Rumble Johnson bombs, and despite the fact that Jon Jones lashed out at him, I do not think Miocic has that kind of creativity or reaction ability to force a whim or something like it. Cormier knows he's going there against a hyper-athletic wrestleboxer archetype, one who has a big gas tank and good defensive abilities. But Cormier's fight will still make a big difference here, as will his indoor boxing game and his ability to keep his head in the right place to avoid the bombs up close. If you can snap body Josh Barnett and Alexander Gustafsson, you can also work this force into something devastating for Miocic. The absence of weight loss and the return of Cain Velasquez in his rotation of sparring partner should prepare him not to be intimidated by a full frontal race and to have him grind on Miocic after hitting the barrier and l & # 39; He drowned with a strike from there. DC will represent Doubletime Field after this one. Daniel Cormier by TKO, turn 4.

Picking Miocic Staff: Mookie, Nick, Stephie, Tim, Phil, Dayne, Ram
Picking Cormier Staff: Bissell, Harry, Anton, Fraser, Victor [19659009] Derrick Lewis vs. Francis Ngannou

Anton Tabuena: While I was struggling to choose the main event, this one seems much simpler to me. The heavyweights are unpredictable and Lewis has a chance to land, but Ngannou will be the strongest, fastest and most dangerous attacker between the two. He has holes in his game, but Lewis is not the kind of fighter who can profit from it, so it's clearly Ngannou's fight to lose. Francis Ngannou by TKO

Mookie Alexander : I would not be surprised if Ngannou took it at random. It's not a good idea, but it's heavy weight, and stupid, weird crap happens all the time. Lewis is fun to watch, a great personality, but his shortcomings should play in Ngannou's hands. It is not particularly difficult to hurt, and if Ngannou is ready to get up and trade, he will receive the W. Francis Ngannou by knockout, 1st round.

Phil Mackenzie: I think this fight will be horrible for at least seven minutes. Both men like to counter, they are not comfortable to move forward, so get ready for an athletic and explosive look. Ngannou is younger and shoots better, and when Lewis can be done to throw, he tends to rush forward with his chin forward. Ngannou tends to feast on this kind of approach. Francis Ngannou by TKO, 2nd round.

Victor Rodriguez: I doubt that one or the other guy wants it on the ground. It's a matter of pride, and they go bang. For some reason, it seems to me that Lewis will be less likely to survive this inevitable firefight, with Ngannou using a few kicks to keep him out of balance as Carlos Condit did to Dan Hardy. Captain Cameroon dumps it early but does not have the same kind of steam later in the fight, so I guess we'll see a tense affair with some big shots that go out of breath in the third round. Francis Ngannou by decision.

Picking Staff Lewis: Ram
Staff Selection Ngannou: Bissell, Mookie, Harry, Nick, Stephie, Tim, Phil, Dayne, Fraser, Victor

Paul Felder vs. Mike Perry

Anton Tabuena: There is only a 2% chance that my choice is wrong. Paul Felder by TKO

Mookie Alexander : We can not ignore that Felder is not a welterweight and Perry hits harder than many middleweights. Felder has never been knocked out, and from what we've seen, he has a good chin, but I suspect everyone here of choosing Felder to know how bad Perry can be. If you compare their skills, Perry's borderline obsession with fight has cost him against anyone with a hint of technical and patient typing, effective footwork. Felder has his own brand of violence that could upset "Platinum", especially those vicious elbows. If it was Perry vs. Yancy Medeiros as expected, I would choose Perry from KTFO. Now? Different story. Paul Felder unanimously

Victor Rodriguez: Oh, wow. You see, Perry is really a very good fighter. Put aside your personal feelings about him, and you will see that he has serious potential in this division. But Felder is so good at working his submission fight and keeping his punch control to avoid damage against a guy like Perry. At first glance, I see Perry outclbad Felder and make a fight, which Felder will force and brutalize in the process. But seeing his understanding of the game through his work as an badyst (and my personal bias), I have the impression that it sounds more like the Jouban fight. Paste, move and avoid unnecessary trouble. Draw Perry and put him outside. Paul Felder by decision.

Ramadan: Bissell, Mookie, Nick, Stephie, Tim, Anton, Fraser, Ram, Victor
Perry Staff Picking: Harry, Dayne

Michael Chiesa vs. Anthony Pettis

Anton Tabuena: Chiesa is a good grappler, but I think Pettis is also a little underrated these days. Chiesa is not the most powerful wrestler, so if Pettis can keep this position for stretching, he still has the tools to succeed despite his recent struggles. Anthony Pettis by Decision.

Mookie Alexander : Obviously, it's the farewell of Chiesa to LW after Friday's lack of weight. Chiesa is stronger than we think, and he likes to put pressure on, which is Pettis' worst nightmare. Pettis is apparently downward in his career, but I can not ignore that Chiesa is a Sikjitsu fighter – body shots do not have to be stuck at this gym – and Pettis likes kicks of body. The formula is right there! Anthony Pettis by TKO, 2nd round.

Phil Mackenzie: I still think Chiesa is the type of style matchup on which Pettis has feasted. A slightly shapeless but enthusiastic striker, a grappler who is really not a double-leg or chain-fight threat. Chiesa relies a bit on people who have an MMA fight "take him everywhere" with him, but Pettis will just hang out, one-two and kick. I think he's still good enough on the mat to survive the fray, and Sikjitsu's vulnerability to kicking, body shots, and … uh … hitting … always seems problematic . As I said before Jim Miller, Pettis can still fight on forgiving style matches. I suspect it's another one. Anthony Pettis by TKO, turn 3.

Victor Rodriguez : Pettis was understood centuries ago. Refuses him the range that he wants, the crowd with the striking volume and work takedowns and clinchwork against the cage. Then take him to shore where his overconfidence in his ground game will bring him to hunt for triangles and weapons instead of getting up. This is what has led to so many of its decision losses, and Chiesa does not have the fundamentals to implement this very first step. This makes this victory very easy for Pettis, with his chance to ruin Chiesa with kicks and body shots (the real OGs know what I'm talking about). Wait, what is that? (Puts his finger up to the listener) Chiesa missed weight? Nah, son. Anthony Pettis by TKO, Turn 3.

Picking Chiesa Staff: Bissell, Harry, Stephie, Dayne, Fraser
Staff Selection Pettis: Nick, Mookie, Tim, Anton, Phil, Ram, Victor [19659027] Gokhan Saki vs. Khalil Rountree

Anton Tabuena: Mid-2018 and I can still use "K-1 typing level" when predicting. Gokhan Saki by TKO

Mookie Alexander : Saki has cardio issues and we still do not know if he is actually good at MMA. Rountree has obvious cardiovascular problems and more or less does not really want to engage in MMA fights. He does not try to remove and offers nothing on his back, so I expect him to try and kickbox Saki and pay the price. Gokhan Saki by TKO, round 1.

Phil Mackenzie: Like Adesanya-Tavares (but much worse) it's a "can we turn a fight into an MMA even though it's not a good thing?" is not what he does. " Maybe they just have to squat and fall and Saki is destroyed immediately? But aside from that, Rountree did not show anything like the propensity to not give Saki exactly the fight he wants. While he does not look incredible against Frank Waisten, he is still a better striker. Gokhan Saki by TKO, Turn 2.

Victor Rodriguez: Rountree hits hard, but as Cage Warriors commentator Brad Wharton said, as well as Aerts, Ghita and Sefo. Saki's striking pedigree will be impossible to catch up, and his work with the Turkish wrestling team and the Allstars guys in Sweden should help consolidate his withdrawal and cardio problems. Lights out, game over, brother. Gokhan Saki by violence. Round 2.

Picking Staff Saki: Bissell, Mookie, Harry, Nick, Stephie, Tim, Anton, Phil, Dayne, Fraser, Ram, Victor
Picking Staff Rountree:


Who wins the Great Event of UFC 226

  • 45%

    Miocic by Judgment

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  • 16%

    Cormier by Judgment

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  • 14%

    Miocic by decision

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  • 16%

    Cormier by decision

    (7 votes)

  • 0%

    Drawings / NC / DQ

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  • 7%

    The speaker who unleashed Cormier

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