UFOs and aliens are once again making headlines in the United States.


Just over a week ago, the Pentagon released a report which was talking about a preliminary study of unidentified aerial phenomena, also known as the UFO. This work, in theory, would show 143 cases reported by Navy pilots who observed them and others who managed to be detected by radar. Sin embargo, el estudio terminó presentando 18 sucesos especiales (y espaciales), como el que describió el comandante David Fravor, quien dijo ver en el océano Pacífico, a la altura de la costa oeste norteamericana, a una especie de nave a unos 15 meters some water. When the pilot decided to get closer, this flying object “accelerated like I have never seen before and disappeared in a very strange way”.

Apart from “aerial phenomena”, the report does not speak specifically of “extraterrestrials” although it does not exclude them either. And this clarifies that in many cases more evidence and data are lacking to reach reliable conclusions.

It was the result of the program which began in 2007 and was a state secret for a decade, until it was leaked to the press. The North American government invested $ 22 million in this investigation, which it had not officially done since the Blue Book Project closed in 1969, after 22 years of operation.

The revelation of the existence of this new UFO sighting program has sparked fury over possible invasions aliens that the United States may have suffered in recent times. Even the closure of the pandemic has reinforced evidence of supposed visualizations, although astrophysicists are concerned to point out that there is not a single evidence for the existence of “Martians” on Earth.

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