UK: Both poisoned by an unknown substance were attacked with Novichok neurological agent


The head of the British anti-terrorist agency, Neil Basu, confirmed that the two wounded of the city of Amesbury were exposed to the neurological agent Novichok used in the attack against the former Russian spy Serguei Skripal and his daughter in March and a few kilometers from this new incident

Authorities explained that Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley, who were found unconscious June 30 in a house, seem to have been the target of badbadination attempt . Although investigators are still studying how the victims, both 40 years old, came into contact with gas.

  British authorities confirmed that the two wounded of Amesbury were poisoned with Novichok.
British authorities confirmed that two Amesbury wounded were poisoned in Novichok.

The couple is in critical condition at the Salisbury District Hospital, the same institution that treated and dismissed Skripal and his daughter.

Although they initially thought that they had been victims of an overdose of heroin or crack thanks to new medical examinations, it was discovered that they had been poisoned with an "unknown substance". 19659002] The British Emergency Committee met on Wednesday to badyze the situation, but without the presence of any minister, and the government said the case is being dealt with "with the most very serious. "

Following this news In this case, several places in and around Amesbury were preserved so that no pedestrians would come near. While the police continue the investigation, they specify that does not represent a significant risk to the health of the population

Serguei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, were found unconscious on 4 March. a bench in a park in Salisbury, United Kingdom. According to the authorities, they were poisoned with substance Novichok, which was manufactured in the Soviet Union at the time

London accused Moscow of being behind the attack from the beginning, since Skripal is a Russian Ex-spy who cooperated with the British secret service

  The case of Sergei Skripal triggered a diplomatic battle between several Western countries and Russia, as they blamed the Kremlin.
The case of Sergei Skripal has triggered a diplomatic battle between several Western countries and Russia, since they have blamed the Kremlin.

After the release of Skripal, his daughter and the police officer who helped them, Vladimir Putin wished them "good health". The case provoked a serious diplomatic crisis between the Western powers and Russia, with hundreds of diplomats from both sides deported.

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