UK Concerns Over Delta Variant Assault | 43% of people killed by this version of the virus had completed the vaccination schedule


The United Kingdom is following with concern the progress of the Delta variant of the coronavirus, which is more contagious than the others and on which the effectiveness of the vaccines is still being studied.

In this sense, health agencies have reported that Of the 92,000 recorded cases of this mutation, only 117 people died, representing 0.12 percent. However, 43 percent of those who died had received both doses of any vaccine.

According to data published in Public Health England, the Delta variant caused 117 deaths among the 92,000 cases recorded as of June 21. The concern of specialists is that 50 of those who died had the full vaccination schedule.

Of all those infected with the variant that originated in India, only 0.12 percent died and 0.05 were fully vaccinated.

According to experts, “The risk of dying from COVID-19 increases dramatically with age” and other pre-existing diseases. Experts have concluded that if a vaccine reduces an 80-year-old’s risk of dying from COVID-19 by 95%, for example, that person’s risk of dying could be even higher than that faced by a woman. 20-year-old. .not vaccinated. Some chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and lung disease are also associated with an increased risk of serious illness and death.

Of the 50 deaths of people with a full immunization schedule in England, all have occurred in patients over 50, the data showed, which highlighted that no deaths were recorded in children under the age of this age with two vaccines.

Despite concerns about the increase in infections of the Delta variant, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday that, if all goes according to plan, on July 19, restrictions against covid will be lifted in England, so that wearing a mask or maintaining a personal distance would become optional.

At a press conference, Johnson clarified that while favorable epidemiological data is confirmed on July 12, the following week the “legal limitations” will disappear and the still closed sectors of the economy will be able to reopen, like some big events and nightlife.

The British authorities consider that the The success of the vaccination plan initiated in the United Kingdom has succeeded in breaking the link between infections and the severity of the disease, because there has not been a sharp increase in hospitalizations and deaths.

According to British media, Johnson will appeal to personal responsibility, where everyone must assess the level of risk to decide, for example, to use or not the mask in public transport.

Until now, 86% of the UK adult population received the first dose of the vaccine and 63.8% of them, the complete immunization schedule.


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