UK Covid-19 Cases Rise Despite Record Vaccination


The UK has recorded the most coronavirus cases in a day since mid-February, amid warnings that the current wave of infections caused by the highly transmissible delta variant could still be weeks away from the peak.

Thursday they reported more than 11,000 new cases of the disease, as well as 19 deaths, according to the Ministry of Health. A study by Public Health England (PHE) showed that although infection rates increase in all age groups, highest in people aged 20-29. On the other hand, the government has stated that eight in 10 adults received their first dose vaccine.

Boris Johnson Exabrupto
The Prime Minister announced a delay in lifting the restrictions.

The data illustrate how the delta variant, first identified in India, changed the government’s plan to lift the remaining pandemic restrictions this month. Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday announced a four-week deadline with the intention of allowing more adults to receive a second dose of the vaccine, which data shows significantly increases protection against the new strain.

“Getting the vaccine is important to protect yourself and others,” PHE Medical Director Yvonne Doyle said in an emailed statement. “Case rates have increased across all age groups and regions in England, and we are seeing a further increase in hospitalizations.”

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An Imperial College London survey released on Thursday found that the prevalence of covid-19 in England is increasing exponentially, and it has been driven by younger age groups who have not been vaccinated.

The current spike in infections will “certainly” lead to more hospital admissions and deaths, England’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty told a conference on Thursday, according to the Press Association.

The latest data shows an increase in cases in Cornwall, which hosted the Group of Seven summit last week, with 411 cases reported in seven days through July 12.

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