UK gears up to announce end of mandatory quarantine for most countries around the world


UK set to announce the end of mandatory quarantine for most countries around the world (PHOTO: REUTERS)
UK set to announce the end of mandatory quarantine for most countries around the world (PHOTO: REUTERS)

UK authorities are preparing to announce the end of mandatory quarantine for most countries of the world, as the newspaper reports ‘The Telegraph’, which cites prestigious media sources.

According to the British newspaper, the new list of countries to which it will be possible to travel from the UK without quarantine on return will be published on Tuesday, as long as travelers are fully immune to COVID-19.

Among them, he cites Mexico, South Africa and Brazil. The measure would aim to give the UK tourism industry a break, who has had to deal with very strict mobility restrictions in recent months.

Despite the changes, Some nine countries will still remain on the British government’s “red list”, which requires travelers from these territories to quarantine themselves in a hotel designated by the authorities for 10 days.

The government hopes to give the tourism industry a break after the limitations imposed by the pandemic (PHOTO: EFE)
The government hopes to give the tourism industry a break after the limitations imposed by the pandemic (PHOTO: EFE)

From October, the UK plans to implement a series of measures to reactivate the country’s activities. Among them is expected a simplification of their restrictions on international mobility and stop requiring a coronavirus test before traveling to England for vaccinated people from low-risk countriesthe British Minister for Transport announced in September, Grant shapps.

Also in October, the suspension of the obligation to undergo a PCR test within two days of arrival in England for vaccinated travelers from “safe” countries will be replaced by a cheaper antigen test.

The British government aspires with these measures to “reduce travel costs“While continuing to protect public health,” said Shapps.

On the contrary, Unvaccinated people will have to continue to be tested within 72 hours of departure, two PCR tests two and eight days after arriving in England and quarantine for ten days.

European states like Spain, France, Italy and Portugal, so far on the amber list, will be classified as low risk countries.

The mandatory quarantine for travelers from territories on the red list will also be maintained., who is to stay ten days in a hotel designated by the government, a stay at a cost of 2,285 pounds per person (2,675 euros).

(With information from Europa Press)


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