UK Parliament debates alternative to Brexit at historic vote – 27/03/2019


This Wednesday is the day most important of British history since the Second World War. Legislators debate for the first time an alternative to Brexitin a series of "indicative votes" in the House of Commons, which should change the direction of European divorce.

These votes include the continuation in the customs union, the single market, an exit to Norway, a second referendum, the repeal of Article 50 and the exhaustion of Brexit. However, the last motions for a decision of President (the Speaker of the House), who chooses those he wants, before starting the debate. At 8:30 or 9 o'clock in the British night, it will be known Wednesday the results votes.

The most important amendment is Becket-Kyle-Wilson, which requires a second referendum. Work will support him.

Theresa May is questioned in Parliament before the vote. / AFP

Theresa May is questioned in Parliament before the vote. / AFP

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src ="

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Parliament never had this option after the referendum and even less the Brexit control. A decision that worries the government because of its implications and will be repeated next week. Not only because Premier Theresa May did not afford the opportunity for a debate and she sought to ignore the negotiations. Legislators themselves feared to violate the democratic decision of the British referendum, which chose to leave the EU. Only this unprecedented political crisis, a prime minister who lost authority and discipline in his own cabinet and the uncertainty of the kingdom have allowed this action.

That does not mean that they will be heard by the desperate Prime Minister. Theresa May tries to pbad his Brexit plan Friday, ignoring what the MPs decide. Again do not have the votes to obtain it.

You have opted for a terminal strategy: would announce his departure date to the 1922 Committee, which decides in his party, this Wednesday afternoon, to convince conservative rebels to support his plan to leave Britain to leave the European Union in two months, alongside Brexiteers.

I kept reading

A soprano anti-Brexit, forced to change dress in full function "data-big =" "data-small =" https: // images .

The British divorce from Europe


A risky piece, which still does not get the votes needed for approval. The Brexiteers resist but think they have no choice but to support this plan they condemn. "The other possibility is the No Brexit", they alert.

The aristocrat Jacob Ress Mogg warned of the risk Tuesday night. He was the first eurosceptic to say publicly that would support a plan that he does not want before the possibility of a Brexit No and the evaporation of the non-agreement. But he demanded that the DUP (Protestant Democratic Unionists of Northern Ireland) support him.

The DUP He refuses to let the Prime Minister's plan pbad, despite having supported it when she lost the majority in the general election by bringing her votes. They are outraged and prefer "one more year" before leaving Europe with the May plan. But they could refrain to let the agreement go by. They believe that May's agreement "constitutionally and economically threatens the integrity of the kingdom".

Boris Johnson, the leader of the campaign to leave Europe, did not specify his vote but warned that the other option could be the No Brexit.

The spirit of the EU is peace, says a poster in the hands of an anti-Brexit protester in London./ AP

The spirit of the EU is peace, says a poster in the hands of an anti-Brexit protester in London./ AP

The Prime Minister began Wednesday at noon its parliamentary interpellation, which could be the last. The SNP, which brings together the Scottish nationalists, asked him to resign in the face of chaos.

L & # 39; EU she is delighted with this vote in the British Parliament. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, said that the European Parliament should take into account the 6 million people who are calling for the revocation of Brexit and are not represented in the British Parliament, as well as the one million people who have come to London.

Nobody knows what will happen. Today, it is also the greatest mystery of the last 200 years of the kingdom's history.



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