UK Parliament rejected for the third time Theresa May's agreement on Brexit


British MPs rejected the agreement for the third time Brexit of Prime Minister Theresa May.

May, in a context of high political tension, in the closing speech of five hours of debate before the decision of the deputies, May issued a warning: "It is the last chance guarantee Brexit ".

After the vote, the leader of the Conservative Party criticized Parliament's decision. "We have reached the limit of this process. This House rejected an exit without agreement, rejected the Brexit and rejected Wednesday all the variants of the recorded text, "he said.

The eyes of the European Union were turned to the House of Commons, which had voted again a text that I had already rejected twice. The regional bloc had warned that if London did not agree this week could not benefit from the extension until May 22, but will have to submit an alternative plan before April 12th.

Protesters pro Brexit. (Photo: AFP)
Protesters pro Brexit. (Photo: AFP)

Now Britain has to define what will: cancel the Brexit, search for a longer report or leave the block without agreement. On Monday, British lawmakers intend to hold another day of voting in a try to find a new plan.

A spokeswoman for the European Commission said AFP after the vote in Parliament a Brexit without agreement it is a "likely scenario" and stressed that the Europeans were preparing for it from December 2017. "The EU will remain united", he said.

From failure to failure, the future of Theresa May is in the balance

Determined and persevering in the United Kingdom's exit mission from the European Union, the Prime Minister he still failed and his political future, closely linked to an unpopular Brexit deal, is at stake.

His promise to resign if MEPs approved the text negotiated with Brussels was not enough to get enough support, the evidence according to his critics that he totally lost control of a process which deeply divides Parliament and country.

Again and again, since coming to power in 2016, he said his mission was "comply with the result of the referendum", which decided in June of this year the Brexit with 52% of the votes.

May come to power in chaos A few weeks after the referendum, the result was the resignation of Conservative David Cameron, of which he was Minister of the Interior for six years.


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