UK records highest number of daily Covid-19 deaths in nearly six months


According to government data from Boris Johnson The total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic stood at 132,742, while separate surveys by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) put the total number of deaths at 157,000.

In the UK, some 42,908,022 people, or 78.9% of the adult population, are now fully vaccinated.

meanwhile at Scotland the regional parliament will vote next week on the introduction of vaccination certificates for entry into nightclubs and major events, with the aim of stemming the escalation of viral infections before the fall.

In this regard, Scottish Chief Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that even if schools across the country were to return, the scale of the rise in infection rates in recent weeks is “extremely worrying”.

In making the announcement, he assured parliamentarians that “the limited use of vaccine certification” could help control the spread of the coronavirus over the next semester.

On the other hand, school authorities are worried about the potential impact that the virus may have at the start of the school year in secondary schools. England and Gusts of windespecially since most of the restrictions in force last year have been lifted.

British experts had asked the Johnson government not to lift all restrictions because they predicted an increase in deaths and infections, as has happened.

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