UK to no longer require quarantine for vaccinated travelers from US and EU


Arrivals at London Airport (Reuters)
Arrivals at London Airport (Reuters)

The British government announced on Wednesday that will remove from August 2 the obligation to carry out a quarantine for travelers from the European Union (EU) and the United States who received the complete immunization schedule in their own countries.

Transport Minister Grant Shapps confirmed the measure, which he said “will help reunite” with their “family and friends in the UK” those who “live in the US and countries of the United Kingdom. ‘EU’.

This change, he explained on his Twitter account, It will be applied to people vaccinated with preparations approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

However, specifies the owner of Transport, they must still be returned “as usual” COVID test before traveling and perform a ‘PCR test on the second day of return to England’.

The British government has also confirmed the authorization to re-operate international cruise ships, one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic.

Until now, only citizens who received the vaccination schedule in the United Kingdom were exempted from doing the ten-day quarantine on their return to England from abroad (except from a country considered to be at maximum risk).

The change will mean that any fully vaccinated EU or US national will be able to enter England without self-isolation, whether for tourism, business, visiting family or attending events. sport events.


However, in general, regardless of where the vaccine was obtained, You will still need to quarantine yourself when you arrive from a territory on the orange list plus, like currently France, or on the red one (in this case, in a designated hotel), like many in Latin America..

All travelers from green countries and those vaccinated from places with amber, such as Spain, are exempt from isolation, although they must provide negative tests before and after arriving in the country.

In the last days, The travel sector, economically very affected by the pandemic, has pressured the government to relax its international travel policy, in order to save part of the summer season.

In addition to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which have their own competencies, they are expected to update their travel policies shortly.

(With information from EFE)


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