UK truck driver shortage, specter of shortages looming


Long lines of vehicles lined service stations across Britain on Friday as no gasoline and the government ordered rationing. The reason is strange and a direct product of Brexit: there are no truckers to manage the trucks that bring the fuel to the stations.

There is also no gas and it is expected that its price spiral because gas companies set prices with consumers very low in their bills and before prices rise, cannot meet his commitments with people. It will be a freezing winter.

There is at least 300 vacant trucker positions out of a workforce of 3000 people, which cannot be filled by lack of manpower. A tough Christmas with a shortage of goods is expected in Britain.

“They cannot maintain the normal ‘delivery’ of products,” said an oil company executive. The fact that motorists preemptively load at least 5 liters into a jerry can at open stations and place it in their trunk further aggravates the situation.

The government analyzes put soldiers waiting to drive the trucks while asking the population “not to panic purchases”.

Food will be lacking

But it’s not just gasoline. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro acknowledged on Friday that Prime Minister Boris Johnson ask for help “to provide food “to the kingdom, which may be in shortage due to logistics issues which brings Brexit with the EU and its tragedies with the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Queues formed at some gas stations in London and Kent County in southern England on Friday as motorists rushed to refuel on the first news. But the phenomenon extends to Dorset, Devon and the Isle of Wight.

Closed gas stations in London.  Photo: EFE

Closed gas stations in London. Photo: EFE

BP has limited deliveries to around ten service stations due to the lack of drivers. At least 50 of Britain’s 1,200 service stations are running low on gasoline and have closed more to prioritize stations what do they have on the roads and prevent motorists from running out of gas.

What is happening?

The problem is paradoxical. It’s not that the kingdom doesn’t have gasoline or diesel. This shortage is the consequence of Brexit, restrictions on migration and the inability to hire European workers, who were previously the main labor force for this type of work and are now prevented by self-imposed legislation. by the British, after the divorce with the European Union. .

Other industries, such as restaurants and hotels, and agriculture are also affected by lack of foreign staff and it affects the food chain. This will be the big test of Brexit.

Cabinet Division

UK Minister Boris Johnson faces division in cabinet over plans to authorize businesses use foreign drivers.

Environmental Secretary George Eustice is one of those pushing for truck drivers to be placed in “the list of labor shortages” allow foreigners to enter the country to work with a special visa.

Minister of the Interior Preti Patel he’s against it. Commerce Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng believes that “companies need to pay drivers more” if the British are to be interested in working in these positions, so far always occupied by foreigners.

Transportation Secretary Grant Shapps insisted on Friday that motorists continue to consume normally, saying, “The advice would be to continue as usual, and that’s also what BP is saying.”

Racing in panic

Asked about the Gasoline Retailers Association warning that drivers should keep a quarter of a tank of fuel in his car, should the supply run out, Shapps downplayed the problem. Says motorists must “continue as usual” and don’t panic.

“I’m not saying there is no problem. There was a problem. Although there are stresses and strains in the system, in general, it has not affected people’s daily life when it comes to refueling. There is no shortage of fuel in the refineries, ”he insisted.

A BP station in London.  Photo: EFE

A BP station in London. Photo: EFE

Edmund King, AA President said, “There is no shortage of fuel. Thousands of gas stations are functioning normally and only a few are suffering temporary problems in the supply chain”.

King insisted that the drivers did not need to specially fill the tank, as the shortage of tanker drivers was a problem. “handy”.

“Drivers should not fill the fuel tank outside of their normal routines because even if an occasional gas station is temporarily closed, others at the end of the road will be open,” he explained.

“Now it is clear that there has been occasional delays over the past few weeks, which have been handled without hardly anyone noticing. It was a manageable problem, ”he said. .

Graham Bolger, a truck driving instructor, in Croydon, South London.  Photo: AP

Graham Bolger, a truck driving instructor, in Croydon, South London. Photo: AP

Meanwhile, the demand for road fuel has been reduced to 92% pre-pandemic levels, as monitored by the government.

“In addition, the average price of gasoline increased by half a penny over the past two days, when it is expected to be 2.5 pence lower after the cheaper E10 (10% ethanol) became standard gasoline at gas stations on September 1. “

Short-term visas?

British Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said he would “move heaven and earth” to solve “the nationwide shortage of truck drivers who threatens fuel supply in certain service stations ”. He added that motorists should not panic as the problem “would be resolved fairly quickly”.

Shapps said he would consider “all options,” including the possibility of issue skilled worker visas in the short term to tap into the pool of potential truck drivers in continental Europe.

“I’m going to watch everything,” he told Sky News. “I wouldn’t rule anything out. We will move heaven and earth to do whatever it takes to alleviate the shortage of truck drivers.”

Bolsonaro’s indiscretion

When the British woke up to queues at gas stations, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro announced another disastrous report: “Boris Johnson called for an ’emergency’ food deal.”

The Brazilian president asserted that Boris had asked him for an “emergency” agreement to alleviate the shortage of an unspecified food itemamid concerns about a further disruption in supermarket supply. It is also a consequence of lack of trucks fruit and vegetable pickers, who also cannot enter the kingdom.

Boris Johnson and Jair Bolsonaro at the United Nations.  Photo: AFP

Boris Johnson and Jair Bolsonaro at the United Nations. Photo: AFP

Bolsonaro claimed responsibility for Johnson’s request after a meeting between them in New York City earlier this week at the United Nations general assembly. The Prime Minister had stressed the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine for his Brazilian. Downing Street no comment Bolsonaro’s statements.

The lack of truck drivers and food collectors, along with the carbon dioxide used to stun animals for slaughter and create dry ice to keep food fresh, has raised concerns that some products are missing in supermarkets The British approaching Christmas.

Iceland’s supermarket general manager warned food supplies “could be at risk in days, not in weeks ”.

Government experts are concerned about a throwback to the days before the first coronavirus lockdown, where shelves were left empty as people stored items like toilet paper.

They warn against rising prices

Tesco, Britain’s largest supermarket chain, warned that prices can increase by 5 percent this winter due to a shortage of truckers and staff. Most supermarket workers are foreigners because of the low wages they pay. The British are not interested in these salaries.

“We apologize to our customers for this temporary shortage of drivers due to the absence of drivers in recent days.” Tesco said. “We hope the situation will improve next week.” Small supermarkets that operate at gas stations have also been affected.

Logistic UK, representing the transport logistics industry, said that “the lack of drivers this is a very serious question it needs urgent action from government and industry. The logistics industry is resilient and has proven to be able to support businesses, families and businesses during the pandemic, border closures and the early stages of Brexit. It will continue to meet the needs of the nation, ”he said.

They argue that the problem is due to a combination of factors: Brexit, which led to the exodus of European workers from the kingdom, tax changes, which altered logistics costs, and a lack of training for truck drivers and tests for truckers during the pandemic ”.

Another problem is that the age of the average British trucker is 57 and more are withdrawn each day and it is more difficult to replace them.

Paris, correspondent


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