UN and US reject dismissal of anti-corruption prosecutor in Guatemala: “There is a lack of commitment to the rule of law”


Citizens take part in a protest yesterday in Guatemala City (Photo: EFE)
Citizens take part in a protest yesterday in Guatemala City (Photo: EFE)

The United States and the UN on Tuesday expressed their concern about the situation of prosecutors in Guatemala, after dismissal Yes later departure into exile of the anti-corruption prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval.

In the case of the United States, after Washington’s condemnation of Sandoval’s dismissal, he announced on Tuesday that will “temporarily” paralyze cooperation with the Guatemalan public prosecutor.

US Department of State deputy spokeswoman Jalina Porter warned that the US government “has lost confidence” in the head of the Guatemalan prosecution, Consuelo Porras, and in her decisions.

Guatemala's dismissed anti-corruption prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval (Photo: EFE)
Guatemala’s dismissed anti-corruption prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval (Photo: EFE)

Sandoval, 38 years old, He was dismissed from his post on Friday by Porras, who argued for “frequent abuses and abuses” of the institutions by the now former prosecutor, and denounced having herself been the victim of alleged “humiliation”.

The American spokesperson considered that the decision is part of a “behavior pattern“And indicates” a lack of commitment to the rule of law and independent judicial and fiscal processes “.

According to Porter, The United States has made it clear that the fight against corruption is “essential” to “strengthen the rule of law., increase economic opportunities and tackle the root causes of irregular migration “to their territory.

The UN, for its part He expressed concern on Tuesday about the situation of prosecutors in Guatemala.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres (Photo: Reuters)
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres (Photo: Reuters)

“The ability of prosecutors to perform their duties without intimidation or inappropriate interference is an essential condition for combating and preventing corruption and impunity “United Nations spokesman Farhan Haq said at a press conference.

“It is of great concern that since the closure of the Cicig, an increasing number of former senior prosecutors have had to leave the country “Haq pointed out.

The spokesperson said that the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, called on the Guatemalan authorities to strengthen their work in favor of the rule of law and respect and ensure the safety of those who participate in the justice system.

In the picture, the Attorney General of Guatemala, Consuelo Porras (Photo: EFE)
In the picture, the Attorney General of Guatemala, Consuelo Porras (Photo: EFE)

Sandoval has been a key part of the fight against corruption in Guatemala which experienced its great boom between 2014 and 2019 at the hands of the former Attorney General (2014-2018) Thelma Aldana and also of the director of Cicig, the Colombian lawyer Iván Velásquez.

The investigations carried out by Sandoval, Aldana and Velásquez uncovered dozens of cases of state corruption, indicting more than 200 people among ministers, officials, businessmen but also former presidents Otto Pérez Molina (2012-2015) and Álvaro Colom Caballeros ( 2008-2012).

(With information from EFE and AFP)

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